You know i would have a good laugh if Take-Two did all that just get EA’s hopes up for buying them and then after GTAIV hits they decide to decline EA’s offer.
What was your financing rate at? Anytime you can cut the terms of a loan down is a good thing due to how much interest you end up paying.
I never been royally fucked like this before. I don’t like this broke college student thing. What’s the best way of asking my parents for some loot?
So yeah I just threw about 2gs in a Life cycle fund for year 2040+. (TSP)
I’m not too sure about life cycle funds, but I know having my money in G funds isn’t going to take me far if I don’t put any risk in at all.
Heya fellas. I’ve got five grand in euros that I don’t really wanna spend on life. No extra expenses dragging me down so I’m at a nice monthly plus. Where I put it?
So what do I have to do to raise my limits on Paypal? I have a lot of money coming in and out at the moment and I’m running out…
Quick update on my EmigrantDirect savings account:
I still love the fact that I’ve been able to refrain from touching this account since opening it back in June '07. Putting a total of 5 working hours worth of pay a week into the account automatically every week until now has put the total for this account just a hair under $4k. Yay building savings! Current APY is at 3.3% … miles down from the 4.6% that it was when I started, but it’s still better than the 1.01% my main credit union savings account is at.
Yea, I used it when they first came out, it was 5.5% :shake:
Where do you work?
lol that was mid last year i think. then it was a web dev job, which wasn’t as big as i expected but still good considering i was in broke college student mode.
we need a careers thread… anyone wanna start one?
I took my money out of G funds the first week I started work. Yes I know what you’re talking about and it also kinda gives away who I work for!
I was wondering for the IRA accounts, do you HAVE to put in money monthly for it? Or a certain amount has to be in your account for the year?
Actually you already answered the questions.
Sup I need some help with drop out of $10,000 of cedit cards and school loans any ideas too help me? Thanks in adv peace.
stop spending your money on stupid shit. also: get a job if you don’t have one.
Look to consolidate your loans, BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET! Other than that, don’t know what to tell you. There isn’t a magic website that will tell you what to do, but you know what you need to do…IE pay that shit back.
Also, pay it ONTIME!
an stop havin money matches at tournaments against cats ya know ya cant beat… ie justin wong… again this is aimed at every tournament goer whom is in debt…
Hotdamn, yall put money down like that on matches?