Let's See if We Can Do Something About Our Boredom~ Q&A Thread

I’m newer to Cody and I’ve run into a lot of matches where people lame me out after the smallest life lead. As a Juri, Akuma and Sagat player, it never affected me.

I need some general advice on getting in and staying in vs. Turtlers

it’s character and distance specific.

-walk and block
-lk ruffian
-mk ruffian
-ex ruffian
-forward jump
-ex zonk
-dash forward

all work in different situations.

Can anybody explain to me what exactly a frame trap is and what it would look like in actual gameplay please? I heard Cody’s game is all about frame trapping and I honestly have no idea what it is

when a move hits it does a certain amount of hit/blockstun, which determine how much frame ad- or disvantage it leaves you afterwards. those values can be looked up in the framedata:

take cl.mp for instance, it leaves you at +4 frame advantage on block and +7 on hit. if you do it on block, and do a c.hp afterwards, which has a 7 startup, it has a 3-frame gap in between, in which your opponent could do a special, normal, start to jump away, throw you etc befor it hits. now if you face. say rose and she does a c.lk with a 4 frames startup, you’ll hit her on the 3rd frame of her startup, netting you a counterhit. you “frame trapped” her.

this can be as simple as hitting multiply c.lp after each other (2 frame gap), delaying your moves, , dashing in doing a move or do a move after a blocked jump in (e.g j.hk, cl.hp) etc etc etc
it depends on the character you face, his options and the player behaviour. if you encounter a mash friendly ryu, I’d rather bait the srk then frame trapping him and eating srk. but if you catch a balrog player spamming c.lp into your block string, go for a 2 frame gap or a tick throw etc
there are various approaches and you shouldn’t be expectable, so mixing up the gaps and making use of f.hk, c.mk, his overhead, crossups etc to throw off crouch-blocking-sitters and to maintain pressure is crucial.

I’m new to Cody right now and I need some help.

How do you a combo link into jackpot punch?

can link into ultra one off of FADC hk ruffian, FADC ex bingo’s first hit with stricter timing, those are the 2 most reliable ways

I’m just curious, which characters can you cross up with j.hp? I know you can cross up Sagat with a jumping fierce but I was wondering if anyone knew the properties. Is it only against big characters? Can you do it against most characters using the correct spacing and timing?

im not really qualified to answer that but i’ve definitely crossed up smaller characters with j. HP, Makoto to name one off the top of my head

Everyone. Only person who gets out of it off the top of my head is Sakura since cr.HP has that retarded good AA Hitbox.

He gets it easily off his throw (both front and back.) Off frontal throw, you want to walk forward for about a second and jump forward. If you’re doing this right, it’s a straight up 50/50 on which side you hit them.

Off back throw, it’s a bit tougher. I can try to get a video up on this before the week is out to try and show some setups around it. If done right, you generally avoid DPs from shotos and Twins. Balrog won’t Autocorrect regardless of what he does. (and is a free U2 punish if he does anything.)

What?! A method of stuffing DPs?! Blasphemy O.O

it won’t stuff it, you’ll just go over them and be able to punish them (or most). Unless they’re doing reversal DPs expecting a crossup.

Makoto is another character you can’t do this on since Up punch has that retarded hitbox.

How do you deal with the Dhalsim matchup? If he’s any good at all, there’s no getting in ever.

wiggling and patience. it’s normal you get hit, but that doesn’t matter, once in, you don’t need much to drain his life.
also, trading with limps is rarely in sims favor, c.hk and mk ruffian lead to a knockdown and some space you can cover. ex ruffian is easy to use on reaction against his slowmo projectile. and btw, don’t jump. sim is one of the few characters who have even more anti airs then cody.

What is Cody’s safest move on block and is it distance specific? I’m asking because I’m wondering if there is anything I can buffer in some of my pokes (like cr. LK)

lp criminal upper is probably his safest special move, but it is space and character specific. There are ways to make lk ruffian safe-ish such as, after a landed criminal upper throw a rock then immediately lk ruffian and it should be safe except to grapplers. Unfortunately Cody has no absolutely safe specials.

as long as you’re in say sweep distance for Cody to abuse cr.lk to buffer into special ,cr.HK for the whiff punish knockdown, far st.mk for either footsies or a combo, you’re pretty much at the safest distance he’s going to get for offense.

When should i work cross ups into my game? I have a bad habbit of only doing them after a knockdown, which is quite predictable. Also, after a lk.ruffian, what are some good follow ups?

Crossups are best after a knockdown. Be it an actual crossup, a empty jump, whatever. People will expect it but that’s where you have to throw them off and mix it up.

after a lk Ruffian. You can:

-Stay on top of them
-Backdash and go for a crossup/jump mixup
-Push them towards the corner with crack kick (f+HK)
-Mind games
-Reposition yourself
-Meaty setup (I don’t recommend though)

He’s not going to get that much off after that hard knockdown mainly due to his walkspeed. If you space it right to the point it’s safe and you score a knockdown, it makes it a lot easier for say a crossup or a jump in option select. I personally wouldn’t use lk ruffian on most characters since they escape Cody’s pressure easily with a hard knockdown. At least with MK ruffian, you push them further towards the corner, you score a soft knockdown to keep the pressure, and more opportunities to stun them which Cody will do in no time.

After lk.ruffian, I usually go for a safe jump setup or a meaty OS. You can also bait stuff, depending on the match-up.

bump, thread should be used.