I’ll try to make it! I gotta bring Preppy and Deezil’s gifts anyway!
Sakura Taunt
I’ll try to make it! I gotta bring Preppy and Deezil’s gifts anyway!
Sakura Taunt
Man… I REALLY miss TRF.
mandel, you can count the nolander in for tonight. it’d be fun to have another mag/strom/random session if we get the chance. that was too funny…
I should be by after soccer. =\
Word up everyone. Word up.
I’m thinking about showing up for some 3S, what time does everyone usually get there?
Alright humans! Let’s get this party started right!
btw 830-930. Always some late comers too.
I’m probably going to show up around 8:30-9 depending on traffic.
and if any of you bros need to borrow some time card, just be liek “yo umbrellastyleee, hook me up” and I’ll go “hell yeeeah”
Word. A few decent games. Not diggin’ the location of the cabs now though. Ah well!
Man, 3S was crackin, I really should’ve played that more than Marvel. There were hella people, so I’m hittin the training room son! I’ve had enough! Dudley should be back in full force and a different color next time. Personal makeover ala Jenny Jones!
GGs to all
Tonight just reminded me how rusty I am at 3s. Once my new joystick arrives, I’ll be able to practice again.
I put names to faces on a couple of you, hopefully you guys figured out who the new guy was.
(I was playing green pants Dudley for most of the night)
Amen to that, sucka. I didn’t win a single game of anything I played yesterday. :wonder: So who’s the Oro/Chun who beasts everyone for 20 wins every Thursday before anyone can beat him? Oh yeah, I’m not really one of the two Hugo players you’ve heard about probably, I just like to play Hugo sometimes. :karate:
Also, LOL @ all the crazy, probably drunk guys who were like “YEAHHHHH!!!” giving me high fives and stuff, talking about my mohawk. You guys saw that shit.
I should have my stick not by next Thursday but maybe the one after that. Then you guys will see! I’ll stop landing c.hp with urien, only to have no tackle come out! My Ryu punishment will actually come out as s.hp xx EX donkey kick, not just s.hp!! I swear!
Oro/Chun is Jason. He’s the resident pokemaster. Frustrating at times, although, winning against a good turtle makes you feel a bit better. He doesn’t post here but he lurks a bit. Good guy.
Dunno if you got to meet everyone but there’s some info up in the “Get to know a Negro” thread. Basics (All games I listed them playing is only @ GW… everyone plays more than the games listed here):
Mandeezy/Deezo/Mandel: Dark skinned dewd, always wearin’ a cap. Plays Marvel and 3s (Dudley)
Preppy/Zach: Redhair and generally in soccer attire (on Thursdaes). Marvel… Marvel mostly.
Nate: Big guy, GW Tech. 3s Hugo, T5.0 King
Dvasz/Dave: GW floor attendant most of the week. 3s Sean, Ryu, Urien, Elena, Necro… recently.
Aaron: Dark skinned dewd, mainly in a hoody, My room mate. 3s Dudley , Elena. Marvel Sent/Cable/Spiral/Sabertooth.
Josh: Short Asian guy wearing an UGLY hoody, long hair! HA. 3s Ibuki, Ryu. MArvel too
Jacob: Short Asian, works gamefloor mornings @ GW. 3s Sean, T5.0 Various Chars
Justin: Dark skinned dewd. 3s Chun, Akuma
Grayfox: 3s Makoto
Chris: GW server. 3s Akuma, shakes machine! XD
9T9: Tall dewd. 3s Ibuki… sometimes relentless.
Me: Lame guy, probably looks like a blatant homosexual. 3s Urien (whiffs everything and misses every obvious “guaranteed” opportunity, lackluster overall)
, Marvel Mosty Magz/Strder/Storm… sometimes Team Shoto maybe swap someone for Sak.
If I forgot anyone, then w/e. I"m at work and jus’ tryin to give info for new-possible regulars such as umbrellastyle and mechanica. If any info’s wrong then feel free to correct me, chumps
Ah, word. Yeah, I know zach, mandel, you, and 9T9 already, but cool, thanks. You had a polka dot hoodie, right? That shit was tight.
Yup. Polka dots win.
Stuart = Awesome kid who plays Denjin-Ryu, Dudley or Yun!
Use to play Marvel but retired.
Uh…REALLY loud at times and known to punch the screen and call whatever game I just lost as “stupid”
I just haven’t been there tis past 2 weeks.
Work and other stuff has kept me busy. =\