''Let me teach you a lesson on The Power Of Bushinryu'' - The Guy Video Thread

Post your Guy videos here
Some videos from the Guy Thread



Advice appretiated! I now know the useabilty of his cMP as AA. Elbow drop fails quite often :o Help me out!

My midscreen combo that does 414 damage with 1 bar

My buddy Sitvergold (K Brown) and me made a Guy/Cody Cross Assault video. Not exactly Guy-only stuff but it may inspire some new combos:


Some simple guy combos part 2… and well the end. Think im done. [media=youtube]TOYm1IaxeAs[/media]

Great videos dialupsucky and Piepmatz I likeed them alot :slight_smile:



Here is some of my rank matches from 3 weeks ago
I know in some matches I was relying and doing way too many ABC launcher combos when I should have been doing solo combos with Guy and tag cancel combos for more damage. And in some situation’s I let my opponent get away with alot of stuff and there was alot more I messed up on I’m still trying to get used to the game to be honest and at the moment I’m focusing on Persona 4 Arena and AE but I will pick this game back up soon man I wish I did more solo Guy combos.


Enjoy and Subscribe if you want I’m still going to make Part 2 for the Guy/Lili combo vid


Super basic stuff, but I discovered that you can combo into Super anywhere on the screen after a Light Tatsu

A video of Guy teamed up with Sakura.

I didn’t post all the combos I made but these all the most useful ones

Guy tag combo

Guy corner combo

Mid-screen tag combo

Guy tag back combo

Tatsu into super

Guy partnered with Juri.

Part of my In the Lab series, some Guy X Christie matches:







