Lemme run this past ya

I’ve been considering this for awhile now and I’m just sorta wondering what type of community support/interest there would be…

Thinking of writing a bit of a php application where people register, enter their team(s)… as registered users play matchups online wins/losses are recorded and points tallied…

Points would work as such… the lower the tier… the more you get for winning… so you’d need way more wins with msp than dan/roll/servebot to get ahead. Points are tracked for a certain amount of time… and the stats eventually reveal not just one winner but… a low tier winner, a god tier winner, a mix tier winner, a low vs gods winner… ect… quality of opponent can also be easily added to the equation so that someone with many wins is worth more points to beat, and scrubs worth very little…

Matches could be played in friendlies but would require a third “witness” who would vouch for the result. Any type of glitch, freeze, disconnect, bad lag… ect would void the match result. Any sign of shenanigans would get the person banned forever and all their matches voided…

If it comes down to shenanigans I would even input the results myself or allow the community to appoint trusted members to enter data.

This system would allow us to have a season type scenario where matches are not dependent on a bracket structure nor does one match have to wait for so and so to play their match before things can resume. In this way its like the college BCS system but not reliant on opinion at all (the bcs’s major failing point). It’s also the sort of online ranked structure that capcom should have given us… because it makes low tier as worthwhile to play as high or gods and rewards execution and strategy over spamming broken/OP teams.

As programs go… it wouldn’t be super hard to do in php… at all… just a bit time consuming. (p.s. - im good with function but not so great at look and feel… so if anyone is interested in helping… pm me)

I expect a lot of skepticism here… im just wondering if yall would enjoy and participate if it is done well. Sounds like insane fun to me… …I know there are holes in it… but many would easily be filled by simply not letting jakasses be involved.

That sounds like a decent and well thought out idea.

I think the fly in the ointment is to be found here. A CvS2-like “ratio” system would be a source of much contention among the participants. It also penalizes people who play top tier in a way that is questionable at best - unless this is supposed to be a low-tier thing at heart (which is the vibe I’m getting).

You get the same basic problem with the “quality of wins” thing as far as opponents. I mean, how do you determine what’s a quality win vs. a scrub win? Who makes that call?

These two aspects reintroduce that subjective, “opinion” factor that you were trying to eliminate with your BCS comparison. imo.

All that being said, the first sentence of my post still stands.

It would most certainly need to be well thought out… and the tiers would have to be locked in at a highly agreed upon (or at least best we are possibly able) spot.

I don’t think it’s worse for god tier players. They will get flat out more wins than crappy teams that get more per win. Even more key is that god tier vs god tier OR low tier vs low tier should pay out the same basicly. The only time it comes into play is gods vs low really… and its not there to hurt the gods. It’s there to reward playing of all toons equally.

Also key is that there isn’t really a number of matches or anything you go to… its not a rack up points type of system so much as stats tracking to get a final score. You could play 6 matches or 600 and get the same score dependent on quality of opp, team selection, ect…

In terms of quality of opp… you go by their overall “grade” we’ll call it for now… the grade being based on how you’ve done with everything you used. Not just gods, low tier, wtver… but everything… so its really a play it anyway you like it setup. You might find one guy who rapes everyone in sight with god tier… but sucks it up big time whenever he uses low tier. He’d get a god tier grade of A or some shit… and a low tier grade of… ect…ect It could even break it down overtime and show how you preform with each toon in general. This is a puter doing this btw not a person… so its going off of strait stats basicly.

The stats tracking also tells us who is good with low tier vs low, vs gods… who is good with god tier… and who is just kick ass at all of mahvel.

All theory crafting at the moment… none of this is even started… so I’d welcome the community to add input… offer help… ect… with the goal of this thing being the real online ranked system we go by… not the broke ass p.o.s. we got on ps3 or even on live…

Think of it not like a competition… thats what a match or set of matches is for… this is more like a league… or thats the idea. The hype is still all about p vs p… this just sort of facilitates keeping track of it in a way that is a bit more inclusive than the current online boards… and it also eliminates RQing cheaters.

I like that idea. As a new player to Marvel I’d be happy to see some kind of league/stats/ladder that works and isn’t based on some formula I don’t understand.

Have fun “balencing” everything:rolleyes:

yea I know. It’s not something one person can do by themselves I imagine… but a good community effort could pull it off.