Hello everyone, I am trying to light up the balltop to match the buttons but i just have two questions. The first being what kind of Led do i purchase to attach to the shaft? Second i saw this product made by paradise arcade called a slip ring that prevents wires from being ripped over time, is this common with this mod?
You want a 3mm sized LED.
The Slip ring is not a common item for the mod only because it is a recent addition to the set up for the mod.
The Slip Ring is to prevent wires from twisting and possibly breaking as the ball top SPINS. Most people in the past used very thing wire, 30 gauge.
Remember to also get a resistor for that led. Some LED controller boards come with there own ore-installed resistors for the button lights but for the Ball top which is lit separately on most mods you need a resistor so you not blow out the light. LED controller is not necessary and only required if you want additional effects to go with your lights
I get my 3mm LEDs from here
Well right now im using Fg widget for my buttons but all i really want is to be able for the balltop to simply just light up and remain lit. Thanks for the link to the site, and i will put some orders in for the LED’s but since they dont have a purple LED in 3mm is it possible to get a 5mm one and shave it a bit, or should i just go with a bright white light up a Purple balltop?
you can I’ve done it personally trim the bevel thing that goes around around the led and drill the hole a little bigger just watch out for the ball top threads