LED HRAP2:SA Thanks Ting..and Kaytrim :)

And god said let there be light! :lovin:

LED Mod officially complete tell me what you think guys :rock:


LB-35 blue bubble top coming thurs…[media=youtube]ZY9_gu-Cs0E"[/media]

I am so watching this high.
Anyways, looks dentyne fresh.
I need to do this with my HRAP3 once my buttons come in.

damn those are some bright LED’s :looney:. What are they rated at and whered you get them? The mod looks good :lovin:

14000mcd at 100ohms…i told him i wanted the heavens to know i just karademoned some poor soul (morse code) :sad: :lol: :tup: thanks for the support!

oh snap gotta get me some of those. I have some 10000 mcd’s at 100 ohms in my t5 mod but they arent as bright as id like it :sad:

That’s serious! I like it!

Thank alot man :slight_smile: