Learning Rose (and SF in general) for a new player


I am new here and also to street figther (been playing it for like 3 months) and i’d like to get better at it. Maybe I am too impatient but I can’t seen to really improve lately so here I am looking for advices.

Basically I played Rose most of the time, with maybe 1 month of Juri in between.

I did finish all the trials for Rose.

I know a lot of combos thanks to this website and youtube.

My main problem is with the execution of these combos, especially the 1 framers like the basic Bnb which is (to my knowledge) : c.lp, c.lk, c.mp xx lk spiral

In training mode after a while I can do it maybe 60% of the time at best. Then a new day comes I try again and I seem to have lost the timing again and I do it 20% of the time.
It’s a bit better with the FADC ones but I do have the same problem.

So it’s like I reset every day.

In real games (even computer games) I can’t land any of the combos I land on training, even when I have the right setup, so I am basically stuck to : c.mp xx spiral and maybe xx super if I have it.

My questions are : is it normal? how do you train as a new player?

When you’re just starting out don’t worry too much about perfoming combos in game. Instead, focus on developing your fundamentals - learn how to space your pokes correctly, how to punish, and how to anti-air. At the most basic levels of SF, you’ll win more with solid fundamentals than with combos. The execution will come with practice. When I first picked up Rose back in Vanilla days it took me hours of daily practice to do the cr.LK->cr.MP link even once. Learn how to plink and executing one frame links will become much easier.

Thank you.

I do have a few questions tho :

How should I train the poke spacing? Is it just by playing and doing trial and error.

I thought punishing was basically doing the most damaging combo you can when someone fails so isn’t it still about combos?

That’s correct. The more you play the better you’ll become at spacing.

Yes and no. Rose’s punishes are fairly easy (cr.HP xx Spiral and cr.HP xx LP/MP Soul Spark FADC cr.HP xx Spiral suffice for most punishes) and don’t require great execution. What I mean by learning punishes is learning timing. For example, you want to learn to punish stuff like Fei’s LP Rekka, Elena’s EX Mallet Smash, Ibuki’s EX Kazegiri, and etc. All the punish combos for those moves are simple (cr.MP xx LK Spiral) but they either require precise timing or additional setup (in the case of EX Kazegiri, Rose needs to immediately dash forward after blocking it in order to avoid having to guess whether Ibuki will throw a Kunai or not).

Ok I see, I am going to do that then. Thank you for the tips.

For some reason I find c.lp (or c.lk), c.lp, clk, c.mp xx ex spiral to be much easier and more practical.

c.lp, c.lk, c.mp xx lk spiral is NOT a combo on most characters.
c.lp, c.lk, c.mp xx ex spiral should always work when executed properly.

Unless you’re not doing it from point-blank range, cr.LP, cr.LK->cr.MP xx LK Spiral will combo on everyone except crouching Vega and crouching Zangief. Against those two characters EX Spiral will not combo either. Against crouching Vega you should be doing cr.LK->cr.LK instead of cr.LP, cr.LK. Against crouching Zangief, Spiral will not combo at all.

I think cr lp , cr lk ,cr lp xx lk spiral and cr lp , cr lk , cr mp xx EX spiral work on cr Zangief.

I know for a fact that cr.LP, cr.LK->cr.MP xx EX Spiral doesn’t work. Go test it out in training mode yourself. Not sure about cr.LP, cr.LK->cr.LP xx LK Spiral though.

In Ultra ,
cr lp , cr lk->cr mp xx EX spiral work on cr Gief (if you don’t start too far)
cr lp , cr lk->cr lp xx lk spiral or
cr lp , cr lp , cr lk ->cr lp xx lk spiral (ex for damage) work too , as well
cr lk ,cr lp ,cr lk->cr lp xx lk spiral

I stand corrected. Tested those combos out in training mode and they all work. Any idea what they changed in Ultra to make those combos work?

Light Soul Spiral: Forward movement increased in Ultra…

Also cl mk->cr mp xx lk spiral work on cr Gief.

Thanks for the useful info!