League of Fighters - Riven, Garen, and Warwick enter!

Balance changes shouldn’t be done too often. More or less once every 6 to 12 months is enough. The motto for reacting to powerful tech should be as is stated on that one t-shirt.

In other words, let the players figure stuff out first before patching. More often than not, stuff that seems powerful isn’t as good as they seem after the first month or so whene veryone has started to develop counter-tech.

This is going to get a C&D letter for sure.

Also why bother coming up with new LoL-like mechanics that don’t really fit a fighting game (like a cooldown for every special) when you can just re-skin Chaos Breaker?

These days fans will make a fighting game out of anything. This isn’t as weird of an idea as the pony game but it’s so… eh…

Full House tournament fighter for Evo!

Saw this on Reddit. Looking forward to a release. Even if it’s just 4 fighters.

I can kinda understand making a fighting game out of something you enjoy, something that has a lot of fans(which probably makes it a lot easier, or even possible, to get support and talent for it).
But at the same time all the work, all the hours you put into this could be gone with a single C&D letter.

Why not take only “inspiration” from the LoL characters? You know, just like the LoL devs did with DOTA.

Because, let’s be real here, no one would give a fuck about this game.

Or better yet, if you’re going to make a free fan game based on copyrighted material, why not learn from those that got C&D before and not announce your game to it’s actually complete and available to be distributed?

whole roster will be the fighting game equivalent of tanky dps


How big are Sona’s Kat’s tits? :tup:

I have a pretty unique design philosophy in that I dislike nerfing but I like buffing. Of course nerfing is neccessary many times, but I’d rather nerf all the super OP characters to just be OP while buffing the UP characters until they’re also OP. I think everyone enjoys playing “overpowered” characters more than weak characters in general. I mean, this is a far more simplified explanation than how I truly feel but I think it gets the point accross that I won’t kneejerk nerf anything. And yes, all of the balancing is pretty much just going to be me :X

There is a character from this one fighting game named Mai we used as a model…

What basic game flow are you looking to aim for? Fighting game series all have their own rhythm and pace. I know it seems that you want to have flashy combos with the trailer, but what would you expect the neutral game to look like? Are there universal options for every character, or would something like for example dash/running be character specific?

This looks excellent

Cleanse looks broken as hell. A free Mega Burst, hopefully will have a long cooldown.

Can’t wait for Vlad. Trollpool for dayz

There are some universal options yes, but we are pushing for a lot of character variety. We’ve taken inspiration from Darkstalkers in terms of how unique every character feels in the game, and we’re pushing it even farther. I’d rather not go into more detail than that for now though but suffice to say that Annie was chosen for our teaser trailer specifically because she has flashy combos in her moveset. Not everyone can do stuff like that.

Because of a display bug it shows summoner spells have a cooldown of 0 seconds in the trailer but don’t worry the cooldowns are above 30 seconds for all summoners currently in the game.

I have to say if it’s free why not play?
I do want to know if every champion will be available or are we going to have to buy or save up points to unlock? Because saving up would keep people playing :wink:

Also are there any links to try out the game or is it under alpha right now?

Im ready to kick ass with Wukong

I hope Lee Sin will be in the game with high mobility via Safeguard-ward-hopping for his W and Jam Kuradoberi-esque kicks for his Q.

That little girl looks interesting

There should be an ARAM mode. :slight_smile:

I dig it. Best of luck to you guys.