Laura Match-Ups Thread: Quench your thirst here

You’ll get out of it if you either do it too early or late. The move removes Laura’s hurtbox from her head and shoulders on the way up, so the best time is usually as you say, at the top of the opponents jump, just as they start coming down.

As everyone said you have to make sure you time it right, its not strict but you will mess up if you do it at the wrong time . It works best when they are at the apex of their jump or just barely starting to come down. Characters like Bison, Dhalsim, Ryu, and Ken like to jump alot, especially when they start getting nervous and try to do every air normal under the sun against you. As with any move just dont abuse it too much because good players will of course adapt.

In other news from what Ive played so far…Rashid is seriously going to aggravate the flying f$#k outta me… :s

Add Vega in there too.

Fuck both Rashid and Vega. I’m picking up Fang to see if he can deal with Lauras problem match ups.

I haven’t been able to play these last two days because of the servers, and I get why vega is a problem. But what is it about Rashid that’s so bad? Tonight I’ll finally be able to grind out so maybe I’ll understand then.

I think you’re hitting another wall by trying fang to counter bad matches. He seems like he gets rushed the fuck down.

From what Im experiencing characters like Vega, Rashid, Bison, Nash, Ken, Ryu, Cammy, and Chun Li can easily blow her up with safe rushdowns and all around just better buttons combined with their ease of mobility. Her command dash is really not that great at all against them. Those characters can easily knock you out of it whether your trying to dash out or cancel to come back in no matter from what normal. It’s not fearful at all. And god forbid Ryu and Ken use their DP to of course get out of everything, so it lowers your pressure chances/ideas down. She has no good way to get out of the corner, and her command grab seems to lose against everything and has like 2 inches of range. It more so seems like shes made to piss off scrubs, but good luck having a competent player take you seriously…the Laura’s Im seeing online are trash.

IDK I think Im just tired, I’ll have another go tomorrow when Im less upset.

I see where your coming from with everyone except Nash and Rashid, I feel like them and Laura have to place their buttons more than other characters. But I also think if you ponder about what she doesn’t have, you’ll have a bad time. Honestly I just don’t think she’s a good online character, you’re asking for respect in an environment where people just don’t really care for that. Between the lack of respect, rollback net code, and ok normals she doesn’t flourish here. But at the same time every character is playing the same game and no one one (except maybe Ryu) can fight every character cleanly) everyone is playing RPS just the levels of health.damage, etc. are different, Laura just struggles to get to that point but when she does she has more options than others. I’m sure once the Laura’s start showing up offline at tournaments she’ll fair better.

But hey it’s day 2 so who the hell knows.

Laura’s offensive comes off her knockdowns. Once you get those you are a force. If I knew how to record I would show off all her options on a knockdown.

As someone who plays against Laura, are any of her elbow special moves punishable on block?

Laura vs Dhalsim looks too much like Abel vs Dhalsim for me not to think it’s a mauling. Basically it comes down to EX shoulder fucking his shit up. But I dunno, I’m just basing that on watching other people play.

Yes, her MP elbow. You can tell it apart from LP elbow by the way her elbow is angled. MP is angled more upwards.

But do Lauras typically ever throw out MP elbow? Assuming that since MP elbow is the only one that’s punishable on block would there ever be a need to throw it out during a cancel from a normal? And on LP Elbow on block are we even or do you have advantage? Is there nothing to be able to be done besides block or V Reversal?

I dunno, people might cancel into MP elbow because they mess up a CH link, or a cr.HP confirm, or they’re used to it going unpunished in the early days. LP elbow is +2 on hit and -2 on block, so whatever mixup they get on hit, you get on block. EX elbow doesn’t get armor until frame 3 so it’s always safe to pressure if you block an elbow, unless they have super stocked. People generally press st.MP after landing an LP elbow. I assume you’re playing Karin, so in that case you can try challenging with cr.LP. If they press either st.MP or command grab you’ll get a CH which will link to st.MP. It’s a pretty bad idea if they press anything faster though, but it’ll help you in shutting down flowcharts.

MP elbow is -7 on block.

Thank you!

Laura vs No.2 (F.A.N.G)

There aren’t a lot of FANG’s at the moment so I decided to play with him for a little, what I got so far.

  • Poison is inevitable, it’ll happen once or twice you can guarantee it, so best bet would be to kill F.A.N.G early before he can meter. The longer the match goes the worse it’ll get.
  • His damage isn’t too high so just trading blows back and forth will be in your favor.
  • Crossing him up to get rid of his charge isn’t exactly the most useful for his reversal like moves aren’t charges, more like icing on the cake.
  • His super can cross you up when he’s dropping the poison bombs over you
  • His lunging poison move is surprisingly pretty unsafe so he can’t just toss it out.
  • He’s got no standing overhead.
  • FANG has to think about his jump-ins since roundhouse always crosses up and hard punch isn’t the best air to ground move.
  • The poison balls he tosses don’t go away even if he’s hit so even punishing him could get you damaged.

I’ll add more later.

MP Elbow into followup might be crucial against fang at midrange if he believes that doing LP fireball will keep him safe.

I can say with confidence that Laura can beat gief. Fireballs and normals to keep him out and AA his jump ins. Once he gets in though, you have to guess.

What normal would you suggest besides clk? His jab has amazing range. I demolish most giefs but when they know how to use the jab effectively it’s hard to mount any type of offense. They mash spd through my bolt/grab mix up and AA with jab.

If Gief uses headbutt, say goodbye to your fireballs and pokes. That shit beats all of her shit clean, even charged up fireballs.

no idea on the frame data yet but in the Ryu video, any reason for using cr.lp vs Unless its a startup issue isn’t the all around better normal and can do everything cr.lp does?