What? a “1frame jab” window is actually a “3frame jab” window, in this game. It’s harder to miss that window than hit it, so no, it’s not impossible.
Next level gimmick: st.LK, st.LK > hold forward > Cmd Grab. Just gotta microstep to get in that deceptively big range for the cmd grab.
Laura can punish Rashid Raw VT at Ex.boltcharge range. Rashid is 14f startup, MP.BOltcharge will trade, EX.Boltcharge will win, but you have to cancel into follow-up on frame 1, or you’ll get tagged by the tornado (no armor after it hits, so you wont even be able to absorb a hit before canceling)
Universal raw mika VT punish : CH cr.MP xx EX.Boltcharge. Avoids every nadeshiko call.
I feel like I’m playing a completely different game from the rest of the thread, especially watching the match videos. I played a lot of Laura in the last beta and I just crushed people with mixups, reads and space pressure with the claps and had a ton of fun. I don’t like that you can’t react with her fireball unless you’re at least 75% of the screen away (otherwise it has to be a read, at least with LP clap), but then you have EX bolt charge for the fireball spammers. Plus once you get a knockdown you have setups for sweeps, overheads, command grabs…I had a tool for everyone, even the shotos.
Loving the qcf+HP antiair. Scares the hell out of people and it seems to out-priority anything (though I did get hit once while going up and still grabbed them - does anyone know what’s going on here?)
She’s not a crazy combo character, she’s about mixups and corner/closeup pressure. Look at her options on wakeup with a clap going - command grab, meaty v-skill overhead, meat Cr. HK for the CC. She’s reads-strong, not execution strong; as soon as you manage to knock someone down you can get a lot of mileage out of her toolset.
There’s also jukes with your forward and backward dash and the V-skill, V-skill goes a different distance forward and back than regular dash but has very similar animations, and in V-trigger the distances change again. Lots you can do by messing around with distances and expectations of the overhead or grabs/LP elbow at the end of a dash. Is it gimmicky? A little, but it works well with good reads.
Definitely looking forward to maining her in a week.
If you knew what your opponent was going to do all the time, you could win with any character. Being able to read your opponent doesn’t make a character strong or weak; it’s one characters toolset against anothers.
this was most likely rollback netcode. hp bolt charge trades if you do it too late, there are one or two frames where the hurtbox roughly equals the hitbox. in these cases it hits, but doesn’t capture. it’s a good AA and becomes better in VT (you can combo ex fb to hp bolt charge in BT bc the hitbox is bigger) but it’s no shoryuken in theory it’s just as powerful bc the hitbox gets great late, but the earlier the “best” hitbox is, the later you can react.
I believe that VT makes hp bolt after ex fb easier mid screen is because VT makes ex fb 3 hits instead of 2, keeping the opponent airborne a bit longer. I don’t think it makes the HP elbow better.
Not everyone benefits from reads the same amount. It’s part of why I play Dudley: Duck, Short Swing Blow, Cross Counter - all moves that help a lot when you have good reads for what your opponent is doing and help you set up your pressure, and once you’ve gotten in using those moves, your options for keeping the pressure on tend to be much broader than the escapes others have from it. Dudley’s options are kind of limited if you don’t have good reads, and I think it’s the same for Laura. Using thunder clap setups and the V-skill you can do something similar - set up zones with the clap, vary your approach, get in close and then keep them from waking up safely for as long as possible.
That would explain it, it did seem pretty odd that I’d get hit and then still somehow win out. Good to know. It’s no MP shoryu, but I found it to work pretty great in a lot of situations. Need to look into how VT affects the charges more closely when the game comes out, I got more range and damage out of LP, MP and EX (and the bolt charge target combo), but I didn’t look closely at HP. Maybe it’s just damage on that one?