I suggested this EXACT thing for Nick Fury back in the wish list thread. Would be awesome for either character.
For those who have played him, do you think he’s strong aside from the rocks or does that more or less seem to be his main draw? I just feel like I usually don’t see him accomplishing much in a the vids I’ve seen apart from helping with rocks. Also, how does the missiles assist look?
the downside to doom as i see it is that he had a pretty limited moveset and combo options in mvc2…and they really didnt expand it much in 3. doom rocks are fantastic, but as far as doom on point i dont seem him being able to hold his own against the combo beasts like mags iron man dante and zero.
Anyone else notice Doom seems to have 2 launchers? He of course has the ground punch, but it seems he has another that’s an upward kick. It’s used on Chris in what was (iirc) the first gameplay vid of Dorm and Joe
Actually, if you mean that wierd little crouching kick, I think he does. Tron has been confirmed by seth to have “minilaunchers”, which I think is either her flamethrower or the yo-yos. They’re prolly allowing extra launchers for versatilitie’s sake. E launchers probably just all work the same, while other lauchers have different attributes, like higher/lower launch heights, different trajectories, or working in different combos (like how Spidey’s s.HK became a launcher after his c.mK)
Tron’s flamethrower doesn’t launch though, it just sends them high enough that when you JC it (which the gameplay videos show) it’s as if you did launch.
There’s also Chun’s 2C, which you can JC now, but that sweeps instead of sending them upwards.
doom’s kick launcher is likely d/f+C, just like his d/f+rh launcher from mvc2, which was only available after a weak attack or as a standalone move. whats different this time, is that it combos after d+C, his sweep (a la TvC), just like E.
spidey’s old d+mk minilauncher (now d+B i presume) no longer minilaunches from what we’ve seen. characters with minilaunches are Dorm, Wolvie, Tron, and Skrull.