Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

Recovery was my guess too but Dracula I think said he didn’t think so.

I’d really love how much each attack is + or - for this game. I think that’d be uber helpful to play at a higher level

Holy shit I think I just hit the jackpot. You might not hear from me for a bit (busy with other stuff), but expect good things. EDIT: See below.

The one with the long startup is his unblockable in power. The green might represent the unblockable frames or something. Or it has small invincibility. No clue

lol I couldn’t wait - I hope this is useful to you guys and not just stuff you already know.

So I’ve found some frame data. Not just frame data, in fact, but hitboxes etc. as well. Unfortunately it’s not complete but there’s a fair bit of information for a fair amount of characters. Not counting Kouryu for obvious reasons, the only character with no data at all is Moriya.

The site is here with lots of useful info:

**But for those of you who can’t read any Japanese there is an index to the frame data here: **

And there’s a description of what the data means here (though I doubt you’ll need it):

The layout of the index is pretty simple: Character names on the left, the first link in each line (pages ending with -00) is for normals, the second (-01) for specials and the third (-02) for supers. If you can’t read the names of the characters and are too lazy to look them up, hover over the links with your mouse - you should be able to work out the names from the url it points to.

For other parts of the site, Google translate is your friend. If you run into problems I can try to help - no promises though.

I’ve made a backup of all the frame data pages before posting it here in case it happens to disappear, however the pages seem somewhat old (most updates are from pre-2009 2006-07) and I obviously can’t guarantee that they’re accurate. And finally, massive props to the person/people who made the original pages.

Amazing find, Osh! I love you so much for this. <3

Holy shit. You did it!! Yo how’d you find it?

Are we gonna update the US wiki? It needs fixing anyway

TBH just google-fu plus a very basic ability to read Japanese. Took 30 minutes or so. Honestly I’d like to put more time into looking for whatever full version the current players have, but I’ve got assignments/exams so this’ll probably have to do for the time being.

What did you search in Google? I wonder if that’s the most complete data and I wonder who knows about it…

japanese for character names and FG terminology (frame data, damage, startup, etc.) and then just reading some of the results (which were mostly useless 2ch posts or very oblique references) and clicking links that seemed likely to lead somewhere useful.

On my travels I also found this interesting site which has completely borked text unless you read google’s cached version, but you can’t google translate a google cache. Not a big worry anyway, as there isn’t any hugely important data there - most of it is just things like how much damage a move does or if it needs to be blocked low/high etc. The isometric pixel-art characters are cute tho.

Ahh I saved those isometric sprites. Too cute. Would look cute in the wiki lol

Well my phone went nuts when it tried translating but I’ll see what it does on my PC at home. Awesome find I’ll get the wiki updated eventually

dracula x can you explain 9 10 and 11 on the chart?

10 and 11 I don’t know Japanese very well so

#9 I don’t know for sure. Might have something to do with deflecting I guess? This could be like 3s where parrying is blocking in Japan. I.e. Guarding = deflecting? I’ll mess with it and see if I can come up with anything that hits that number.

11 is where you can execute the move - pretty sure 立屈空 means standing, 屈 means crouching, 立空 means in the air.

10 Has something to do with “passive”, which I’m not sure about. it could refer to blocking, deflecting or something else. Basically that row in the table is whether you can do a “passive” on the ground or in the air, whatever that means.

EDIT: And yeah, #9 seems to be to do with deflecting (or ‘guarding’ as they call it in Japanese).

I believe #10 means “ukemi”, which the player can either air or ground tech out of the opponent’s attack after a certain amount of time.

According to a friend of mine who knows Japanese 10 is defensive and 11 is a gun/pistol or a person who plays music.

So that’s helpful

I’m new to the game so don’t judge if this is stupid:

But could 9 mean like how many frames both players must wait before the game actively applies the plus/minus advantage frames?

Eh no game counts on the frame they are hit. Might be like time if the attack is plain whiffed

Hmm "/ I don’t think it involves whiff because it seems to deal with guarding. I tried to ask a Japanese player but he English wasn’t good enough. He said guard rigid frames… I dunno it gives me the impression like when you strike the opponent and they block and then there’s that recoil

I guess we could always ask Junichi, but it’s probably best is we make a list of all the things we can’t understand instead of bugging him over and over. Is there anything else you can’t figure out?