That’s just neutral A,B,C chained together. All characters have it (some are better than others though, shigen’s is a hard knock down for example) and it can be used for various shenanigans if they recover
Ah, thanks.
The link for the Hibiki guide is broken. I want to see a guide to see her speed combos and speed special combos. Until now I only play with power Hibiki. I want to learn to use her speed mode.
i’ll type something up for ya my next day off
thanks. I can’t find anything on google
Are the Wii VC versions of Last Blade 1 and 2 worth getting? All I’ve ever had is the shitty PS2 version, and I can’t find any in depth info regarding these versions aside from they “look good” Just wondering what the bottom line is, and what I should know about them. I’m mainly just interested for smooth offline play, thanks in advance for any info.
Wow i totally forgot about this. I will have something typed up after this insane week of work is done
No port will ever be 100% because nothing seems to match the awesomeness of the neo geo. I’ll get them and write up a review of lb2 at some point. Until then just get an emulator and play that way if you can.
Well I’m not expecting 100%, but 95% wouldn’t be bad. Anything besides this shit PS2 port would suffice. As for emulators, I’d prefer some sort of console version, so until then I’ll eagerly await your reviews, thanks for the quick reply too.
The Wii version is an emulator of the AES version.
the ps2 version isn’t THAT bad. It has some sound issues but the gameplay is intact.
The slowdown is horrendous even in Practice Mode. Versus Mode is unplayable.
There is slowdown on some stages in the arcade version too. I’m not saying it’s the best port, but it’s better than the dreamcast version anyway.
Yeah I tried the DC version too, so when I first got the PS2 version I was initially pleased. Then once I started messing with characters I noticed the problems. Stupid on my part, but I forgot that just about every friend of mine owns a Wii, I’m simply gonna test it out there and then decide if it’s worth getting for myself.
Alright i played lb2 on wii for about 2 hours last night and i can say it’s better than the ps2 version in almost every respect. Having the neo geo cd music was a plus with that though.If it’s on the Wii version i didn’t notice it. then again i didn’t really look.
It might just be me but i swear this game still looks better on a pc emulator but that may be the hd screen or something.
As far as i can tell every combo and trick i know is intact. all the link combos, glitches involving reflecting okina’s qcf C turtle ( the 2 i tried) and trading shigen’s back +B with things like hibiki’s DM. All that works. As with every other version there is slowdown on some of the stages. The Shrine, Flames, Gate, Village, and Graveyard all have noticeable slowdown. Probably the best version there is outside of the actual neo geo mvs/aes or neo geo cd version. It’s worth the money.
Does anyone know the name of this Last Blade 2 combo vid. It was basically a compilation of every character and each segment started with that character’s portrait. IIRC there was no BGM, and it ended with a compilation of Kouryu’s combos. I can’t seem to find this one on youtube.
One of persona’s LB2 vids was like that but there was no kouryu combos. It does sound vaguely familiar though.
This the one? Has a BGM and ends differently, but does fit the portrait thing.
That’s the one I was referring to but it’s not the one he was asking about. he has another lb2 vid up on orochinagi somewhere i think. or maybe it’s still on
Is there any good resources for Last Blade 2 besides this thread? I mean the wikis, forums, FAQs… I’m mostly interested in character analysis.
Shoryu wiki is almost empty on characters. Dreamcancel wiki is very basic There’s also this but it’s in German.
Though the thread is seemingly dead, I’m hoping for an answer from LB2 fans =)