Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

I like this game a lot, anyone want to play on nFBA sometime?

The only way to "combo* it is with lee is from overhead stun. Even then your opponent can mash out and avoid it. Best bet is to stick with using it after a parry or as a punish for a wiffed Kaede dp for example.

@Curbeh set up ggpo and supercade and have fun.

I wish I wasnā€™t so god awful at this game.I really like How Hibiki plays.

I uploaded a little video that shows off some S Mukuro resets:


Not that anyone really cares anymore but a while ago I finally did figure out power Hibikiā€™s Back A -> B link. It only works on Amano, Shigen, Juzoh and Kouryu. Also it will only work after a deep crossup on those characters. If you try to just walk up and do it, it wonā€™t work. She can also link Back A to down B in power from a bit more distance but thatā€™s not as useful.

Im here

I play Last Blade 1 and 2 but only on mame I have decent skills been playing about 2 years now .
Also I dont think anybody plays like me so if anyone wants a decent challenge just let me know .
Iā€™m currently trying to get Speed Zantetsu combos his links are so sick, very difficult for me to pull off consistantly , but iā€™m getting there.:encore:

Good games today hammerhead, I had to run and get my phone, we should play again sometime soon.

I suck at this game, I really need to spend some time playing and building good habits. Shigen is really good, he has a lot of tools but I really want to work on Okina for a while.

Does anybody here still play this regularly?

Finally found a way to download from the Korean youtube.

These are some of my favorite matches Iā€™ve ever seen played online:
[media=youtube]RX1-LrUgFtg]YouTube - [LB2 Match[/media]
[media=youtube]qBLhetVJX4Y]YouTube - [LB2 Match[/media]

More to come . . .

Ko-hatsu uploaded a match from a recent tournament:

YouTube - kouhatsuā€™s Channel

Probably more on the way.

Good find

New videos just make me sad that this game is dead on GGPO.

At least it is when my ass can get on.

I think this is the whole KO-HATSU tournament uploaded on nicovideo complete with infinites and Ex characters:

These guys seem to be closer to TRF level then to A-Cho level , unfortunatelyā€¦

Also found these gems:



Another new Ko-hatsu match is up:


So apparently there is going to be a big tourney in Shanghai soon with most of the big name Chinese players attending. Iā€™m not sure as to the date, but Iā€™m pretty sure the matches are going to be recorded.

Iā€™ll post back with more info, as I learn it.

New Vids from Japan !!:
Ryo vs TAk
?? vs R moon
?? vs ??&???
? vs ???

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Great matches ~

Not as easily viewable as breakers revenge hitboxes, but here is the [media=youtube]52yUxbbIymQ[/media]

Thanks jed, good work.

I wanna know how to do those big turtles with Okina / the turtles come out random and faster than normal turtles too anybody know what im talking about?

Results from the 2nd Total Eclipse of Snk : Ryo wins for the 2nd year in a row.

Top 3:
? ??? ??? ???

Top 8 Finalists:
??? ???
?? ???

You can watch the recorded finals here:

Great stuff WiL. Did that tourney have rules? Was Zan banned?

Iā€™ve been working on my Moriya. I think it is going to take me a few years to really get good with him. Question: What is the best way to short jump? I noticed that they changed it from LB1, which was pretty easy to do in just like MOTW. Now it seems WAY too touchy. Is it based on how hard or how fast/slow you tap up?