Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

Ha, I’d love to see that shit in a tournament match just for the other guy’s reaction.

If you were getting your butt royally kicked, then it was probably yoop.

You know what I’d like to see? You… playing LB2 once in a while.

Tell Hori to send me my stick back faster.

So, you can’t use kb anymore? So sensitive. :stuck_out_tongue:

Laptop keyboards fail hard. I bought some USB-PS/2 adapter for my PC keyboard, but it was dropping inputs like crazy, so I gave up on that. Plus, all those new USB keyboards lock-up too easily.

So, when you get your stick back you’ll play, right? I’ll go ahead and consider that a blood oath.

[quote=“Mushishi_Ginko, post:422, topic:15214”]

If you were getting your butt royally kicked, then it was probably yoop.QUOTE]

Yeah that was it. We had a good Washi vs hibiki match that was close, and got a round with moriya i think. but yeah overall i got smashed. It was fun though.

Btw my 2nd vid is almost done. Same thing as before with mostly useful combos and some flashy ones. It should look better this time since i’m not doing the editing.

that and the fact he NEVER uses the SDM in mukuros combos really bugs me. so many chances and not once did he use it to save his life. considering the damage it does it can change the round.

check soh85 tube channel for the new vids. that kojiro player was a really good but bitchy player. that zantetsu took too many chances.

Alpha Station Ranbat P. Mukuro VS P. Kagami S. Zantetsu VS P. Kagami S. Hibiki VS S. Kojiroh P. Okina VS P. Kagami P. Mukuro VS S. Kojiroh S. Zantetsu P. Okina P. Mukuro VS P. Okina S. Kojiroh VS S. Zantetsu

Kata representing the low tier again.
Congrats to R-Moon.

I’m not sure we’re talking about the same player here. R-Moon is the Kojiroh player. If you watch any of the other videos that feature him it’s obvious something was off.

<3 this game, akari for life… couldn’t get a good connection on 2df tonight though :frowning:

btw i need some pointers… the info on here just has some combos… maybe if someone could direct me to some vids or something

I play power mode

Check my youtube account and Soh’s. Tons of videos. Luckily for you, Speed Akari is a popular choice.

Actually, this thread contains much more information than just combos. The first page has general game information, and links to the individual strategy guides. The only useful information I can think of that isn’t in Kyokuji’s strategy guide is contained in a combo FAQ (link below), and that mostly fills in some blanks regarding speed combo specials.

Yeah, I basically didn’t bother covering anything that was already readily available on GameFAQs. My guides do tend to mostly be combo oriented with some basic guidelines. Mainly because I don’t like posting information to the point where it’s like I’m playing the game “for” people. I just try to outline some of character’s strengths and weaknesses along with their general playstyle. With Akari, it was harder because it’s like trying to define Ken in 3rd Strike. She’s so good at everything that you can play her any number of ways.

She can pressure like it’s nobody’s business and :l::snkb: is very dangerous given its speed, priority and combo starting ability. At the same time though, she’s got the best projectile in the game and great air normals, so she can zone all she wants.

Syxx573, for vids of akari search for “fuke lb2”, Fuke is the best Akari in Japan, hands down.

Also, R-moon is THE MAN, one of the best 5 lb2 players in Japan for sure.

ok thanks for the help everyone, i’ll look around a bit and see if i can find something useful, because right now i’m playing basic as hell, not to mention i’m hoping around a bit too much in the game, and losing a lot of damage that way (because of the way running works in this game)

Tracking down other players, and actually playing the game against human opponents will be the quickest way to learn the game. However, be prepared to lose pretty badly to the better players. There’s not much mid-level competition around. You’ll either run across beginners such as yourself or killers. There’s not much inbetween. Don’t let it get you down though. Most of the better players will be happy to give you advice on improving your game.

i’ve been playing some online the past few days… on 2df… man it is awesome when i get a good connection going. plus people play good characters. i get hit by amano’s charge a lot though because of too much jumping around though :frowning:

but i can beat some ppl, but most of my game is revolving around baiting for d,uC, d,uC, Super Cancel :slight_smile:

I like akari’s poke game a lot, especially with d+A. But I need to use d+C more because it’s easier to link into b+B… either that or get d+A, b+B timing down better.

oh and i have a hard time getting dash, d,u+C out, i do dp+C a lot by accident

oh also, is there any specials that will beat d+A after having standing B blocked? Because i found that if they try punishing with slower moves i can cancel blocked B into hcb+A

For the Dash ->D,U +C, The way i do it is Hold :d: for a split second, press :r:, :d:, :r:, then :d:, :u: + :snkc: I mainly use it after a :r: +:snkc:, it’s easier to get that way imo.

Nothing comes to mind that would really beat it, minus a few fast dm’s (Hibiki’s,Moriya’s and maybe Kaede’s :qcf::qcf:+:snkb: sdm) for example or of course a guard cancel. I’ll have to test it sometime.

I used to have that same problem when doing Akari’s dash d,u c. The way I first got around it was to press back to cancel the dash before doing the d,u motion.

And also on 2df have they done anything to bypass the laggy stages? I remember nFBA p2p being almost offline good, except for when one of the laggy stages came up.