Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread


I do not know how to use the move notations, so just in case you don’t know what they are, look at the right side of your keyboard.

thanks, so far i think thats her best speed combo, the her BC speed combo

Her A,B,C down C, down A, forward BC, A, B, qcf B one does slightly more damage I think.

I need to play this online again :confused:

This is a list of Hibiki’s speed combo specials. Damage totals are against Moriya, and do not include follow-ups. The second damage total applies to speed combos are unblockable at the end, and indicates the damage of the unblockable portion only.

:snka::snkb::snkc::snka::snkb::snkc::snkc::snkb:, :qcf::snka: (138)(69)
:snka::snkb::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :snka:, :r::snkb::snkc:, :snka:, :qcf::snkb: (125)
:snka::snkb::snkc::snka::snkb::snkc::snka::snkb:, :qcf::snkc: (113)
:snka::snkb::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :d::snka:, :d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: (80)(24)

Dammit, why does Yuki blow ass!:mad: I figured she did, but still.:sad:

She’s not completely hopeless. You just have to be very careful with when you jump forward. If you play her more like a zoner, things go better. Just keep in mind that outside of quick jump-back early A/C, jump B is her only good air normal, and it’s only good when you’ve got enough distance or height on the other guy.

Yea, I figured that mucb. I’ve kinda been using her jump in A in a Billy Kane sorta fashion.

Are these glitches cheap? are they even glitches?

Zan glitch at 00:14
Hibiki glitch at 00:08

Personally, I don’t think either are cheap. I’ve never seen that Zantetsu combo before.

I try to use the [cross-up :snkb:], :snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb:, :dp::snkb:, :hcf::snkc: [speed combo special] with hibiki whenever possible. It’s not too dangerous as you can hit confirm fairly easily at the :snka:, :d::snka: portion of the combo. I believe it’s not possible for the opponent to repel until :d::snkb: if you hit the cross-up late enough, but I could be mistaken on that point. The problem is it’s not all that easy to land against a skilled player. The reason for this is most skilled players are on the lookout for her crossup, and will try like hell to avoid it.

The Zantestu glitch looks similar in that you either need to be at point blank range or crossed-up for it to combo. It’s interesting though. I gotta figure out a way to play characters who rely on the :r::l::r: motion. It’s difficult on a gamepad, but there’s gotta be a way to execute that motion consistently.

Regarding whether they are glitches…
Hibiki - My vote would have to be yes

Zantetsu - I’m not sure. I’d have to figure out what’s going on. If there’s a recovery reducing trick ala Moriya’s :snka::snkc: or Hibiki’s :hcf::snkc: I’d have to say yes as well. Otherwise it probably isn’t.

THats not a glitch… thats supposed to happen… when they go into that fallover state you can otg them with speed combo.

The glitch is Hibiki’s ability to interrupt her :dp::snkb: with :hcf::snkc:. This allows you to execute the speed combo sooner than you would otherwise be able to. At the moment I can’t comment on the Zan combo. It may have a similar recovery reducing trick.

well, i don’t think the creator put that glitch in there purposely where u could pick them up as they falling over, Maybe not enough beta testing or something :-/

well, i didn’t use a trick, i noticed how hibiki’s ‘fallover’ glitch works and tried it for Zan since one of his moves leaves his oppenent in the ‘fallover’ state.
i think Zan’s is a glitch too

You do not need to use hcf + C for the hibiki one to work. You can just activate the speed combo normally after the fdf, though it has to be at the right distance to link.

Other characters with moves that put you in the falling down state can do these as well too, like Okina after his HCF strong move.

I don’t think its a glitch either…I’m with FullMetalRoss here, it seems to me that your supposed to be able to speed combo opponents who are in fall over state.

Okay, but that’s not what we saw in the video. Again, the glitch is Hibiki’s ability to cancel her :dp::snkb: with her :hcf::snkc:. I don’t think it’s a glitch that you can land certain attacks during the fall down animation. I think that part was intended. However, barring glitches, there are only a few ways to take advantage of it. Taking into account Braver’s response I think it’s pretty clear the Zantetsu combo is glitch free, but the same can’t be said of Hibiki’s combo as presented in the video.

her dp+b is cancelable into other specials in speed mode, normally you see them do the qcf slash but I always figured the counter was known about too, or I’m stupid and a liar, which may also be true.

Well normally the speed combo is only possible if you dp+b from a certain range. If you do it too close to the opponent you’ll travel too far away for the speed combo to link.

The HCF+C however cuts short the ending animation of her dp+b so that Hibiki will be standing right behind the opponent and thus able to do her speed combo ect. So it basically allows you to follow up a close dp+b when normally you couldn’t.

EDIT: I’m dumb, I misunderstood what you said.

yes I understand that. What Im saying though is it’s not a glitch that she can cancel the dp+b it’s part of the game IE built into the move.

I see what you’re saying, but I’ll respectfully disagree. Canceling her :dp::snkb: into :dp::snka: appears to be the second half of a 2 part special similar to Moriya’s :dp::snkb: + :dp::snka:. I’m not aware of any specials you can cancel her :dp::snkb: into apart from :dp::snka: and :hcf::snkc:, and the second doesn’t make much sense within the context of the game. Of course, that is just my opinion. The only way to know for sure would be to talk to the developers. I’ll label it a glitch until I hear it’s not from an authoritative source.

Is there a guaranteed way to land a speed combo?

its all in the timing