Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

ive been playin this game for a couple months now, and im pretty satisifed with where i am in most ways, but i cant get the freakin combo specials down at all, is there sum sort of trick ? cuz from alot of match vids ive seen people seem to do them flawlessly and i really wanna get it down.

can anyone give me any tips on doing the speed combo specials ?? in terms of timing and control, cuz i just cant get more then a lucky 5-6 hits in with anyone. thanks in advance.

I wanna get into this game, but I canā€™t find anyone iā€™m in love with. Everyone I pick seems really limited. Is this the case with all characters or are they deeper than I give credit?
I like the ninja and lee but theyā€™re crazy good. So I tried the dark owl dude, but he just seems quite the opposite (is he low tier?). So Iā€™ve narrowed it down to Hibiki and the teleport glitch dude, but is the glitch tourney legal? Amano also seems pretty fun (reminds me of my homeboy dong). I guess what Iā€™m asking is if Hibiki and teleport iaido guy are deep enough to stay fun. Also, those of you who may know me, help me out in who I might wanna use.
I know this game is sweet and tourney matches are fun to watch (except for long power links over and over), but iā€™m having a heck of a time finding a character I like that isnā€™t broken in my mind (lee and ninja just seem too good online).

Everyone has plenty of depth really.
The only characters that will seem pretty limited at first glance are:

Speed Kaede
Speed Kojiroh
Power Setsuna
Power Okina
Any form of Yuki

This is a link/poke heavy game. Itā€™s played more in a 2nd Impact (especially with all the links)/3rd Strike style fashion than a KoF style one.
Plus everyone is very maneuverable in this game. Even the big guys can easily feint and dash around and whatnot. You have a ton of options in that area. Ground recovery, air recovery, low jumping, dashing/dash-jumps/low dash-jumps, cancelled dashes, etc. If you know how to move around and position/angle yourself better than your opponent, then theyā€™re going to have a hell of a time hitting you.

Lee isnā€™t really ā€˜thatā€™ bad. There are ways around most of his stuff, which is more than I can say about Zantetsu.

It really depends what you mean by depth though. Setsuna is one of the simplest characters in the game, but that just means that youā€™re going to have to be creative if you want to use him at a competitive level.

If youā€™re looking for sheer variety though, youā€™ll want one of either:
S. Moriya
S. Akari
S. Hibiki
S. Shigen
S. Lee
S. Zantetsu

Power Juzoh is fun to use if youā€™re into the whole grappler thing as well, but S. Akari and S. Moriya are by far the most well rounded characters in the game, and if you take away the teleport glitch, then itā€™s Akari by far. S. Shigen would appeal to people who liked playing O. Yashiro in the KoF games since heā€™s a grappler/striker mix.

I think I mentioned most of this stuff in the first post, or Iā€™ve linked it at some point in subsequent months, but the 'port glitch is legal as long as youā€™re not using it to start infinites. The usual limit is one teleport link I believe.
Zantetsuā€™s shadow slice thing is banned apparently though? Iā€™ve heard of that move being banned, and Zantetsu being banned in power, but I donā€™t think the sceneā€™s really organized enough for there to be much of a concensus besides the fact that everyone agrees heā€™s incredibly broken.

I didnā€™t see him in a single a-cho video if that matters at all.

Thanks, bro! And double thanks for givinā€™ up the repeat info.
Gonna hit up youtube and see whatā€™s goinā€™ on in LB2 there and see you in Kaillera if thatā€™s your cup of tea.

Iā€™ve uploaded over 50 videos, in case you havenā€™t seen them already.
Just search Kyokuji. You wonā€™t see me in kaillera unless you get me on IM or something, because Iā€™ve been banned from GodWeapon for a while now, and frankly it would be hypocritical of me to call NoX a cock and then go and play in his server.
I donā€™t need to play ā€˜thatā€™ bad.

The only advice I can give isā€¦

  1. Be patient. Once you learn the timing theyā€™re not terribly difficult. Even with a bit of online lag/jitter I usually complete them 75%-80% the time. Offline that number is near 100%.

  2. Check out the the following FAQ:

  3. Practice practice practice. Thereā€™s really no substitute here. Itā€™s all about muscle memory.

  4. Some charactersā€™ speed combos have tighter timing than others. Setsunaā€™s are (in my opinion) especially easy to master.

Why canā€™t you think heā€™s a cock and play on his server? Do what corporations doā€¦ buy yourself out of it. Donate like $3.42 to Godweapon and refuse to admit any wrongdoing.

The PS2 port is atrocious Dracula_X. I wouldny say the Last Blade 2-in-1 is a god port by any stretch of the imagination.

Why? Yeah in training all that jazz works but man trust me when you play the game against others the lag effect kicks in, meaning I guess if you are used to Kaillera then its fine but this is not something you expect with a home port of a Last Blade 2-in-1. The actuality is that the DC version is better than this version.

The lag really is that bad.

The ban has been lifted for a while nowā€¦

There are so many ways the can make a new lb3 game on they can make shigenā€™s daughter Kotestu a main character and shes bin training with the beads and she learns 2 master it.

Yeah but it is unfortunate that SNKp said ā€œThere will be no Last Blade 3ā€

I want them to branch out with Last Blade vs. Samurai Shodown for the time beingā€¦that could be a good diversion.

Kyokuji you still up in the future man for me paying your way to come with us to play in a Last Blade tourney???

Come on dude you know you wanna goā€¦ :wgrin:

Iā€™m pretty sure he knows and is just saying that it would be hypocritical to go play on the server after being banned and calling NoX a cock.

And I need to play this game moreā€¦

Edit: And to anyone who reads this edit, is there an IRC channel for LB2?

Mushishi Ginko thanks for the tips man, ive finally been getting them nearly 100 percent of the time now, just takes practice.

btw, anyone have sum sort of tier list for last blade 1 ?? just curious. . . cuz speed mode works a little differently, and sum characters have noticeable differences.

thanks in advance

Lol i play vs. a few friends all the time and i get none of this lag youā€™re talking about. And yes i can get all the combos to work when iā€™m playing them too. maybe itā€™s your ps2? I swear CvS2, SFAC, and GGXX Slash run slower on my slim ps2 than they do on the bulky one.

Then again i donā€™t have a working DC at the moment so i canā€™t compare. And i said decent port btw :stuck_out_tongue:

I know this isnā€™t strategy related butā€¦ Do any of your guys play on kaillera with any regularity?

Where/When do you play?
Whatā€™s your username?

I usually play on Godweapon weekday evenings and randomly during the weekend, and my username is Mushishi Ginko

Username is Dracula X and iā€™m usually on Daroms, GodWeapon (my ping sucks here), and Fragbox mostly.

MY work schedule is wierd so iā€™m on fairly randomly. Though nights i donā€™t work iā€™m on and off between 11pm and 5am ish central time.

Iā€™ll check DaRoms when Iā€™m on at night and maybe Iā€™ll get lucky.

Do you think you can repost your Mukuro guide? All I get when I click on it is an invalid post thingy :sad:


Unique to him

:u::snkb: > :hcb: (repeatedly) on grounded opponents


:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka: > :hcf::snka:
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > :qcb::snka:/:snkb: > :u::snkb:
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > :dp::snkb: (mash :snkb:)
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :dp::snkb: (mash :snkb:)
:l::snka:, :snkb: > :hcf::snka:/:qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:/:qcf::qcf::snkb:/:dp::snka: (mash :snka:) (Extremely difficult)
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, follow-up of your choice
:d::snkc:, :snkc:, follow-up of your choice
:snkc: (x2-3) > :hcf::snka:
:u::snkb: > :hcb::snka: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (Not sure how to get the :hcb::snka: to combo, but it can)
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :qcf::qcf::snkb:
:d::snkc:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :r::snkc: > follow-up of your choice or :snka: > :hcf::snka:
:l::snka:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :r::snkc: > follow-up of your choice or :snka: > :hcf::snka:
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > (Delayed) :qcf::qcf::snkb:

(Corner only) :l::snka:, :r::snkc: > :dp::snkb: (mash) > :qcf::qcf::snkb:


(Jump) :hcb::snka: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (Still links in speed)
:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :hcf::snka:/:dp::snka:/:qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:/
:d::snkc:, :l::snka: > follow-up of your choice
:d::snkc:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > follow-up of your choice
:l::snka:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > follow-up of your choice
(Activate speed special combo :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) :snka:, :snkb:, :snkc:, :d::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (Hold, late release)
(Activate speed special combo :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) :snka:, :snkb:, :snkc:, :d::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (from behind)
(Activate speed special combo :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) :snka:, :snkb:, :snkc:, :d::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > (Go into mix-ups)


:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcf::qcf::snkb:
:d::snkc:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcf::qcf::snkb:
:l::snka:, :snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcf::qcf::snkb:


:l::snka:, :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > Repeat
Dash :l::snka: (xn)
:l::snka:, :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :snkb:, etc

Advanced crawl techniques

There are a lot of different things you can do with his crawl, but all of these assume that you just launched an opponent with :r::snkc:. These are not combos, theyā€™re simply set-ups and whatnot.
You can lower the recovery time of the crawl by pressing or holding back, down or up during it. As well, after youā€™ve reset them with :snkb: or whatever other attack, ā€˜whenā€™ you stop the crawl (by hitting back/down/up) determines whether youā€™ll land in front or behind them. Visually, itā€™s very confusing since you just ā€˜barelyā€™ cross under, so this makes him very dangerous mix-up wise.

:r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :dp::snkb:
:r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :d::snkc:, :l::snka: > Etc.
:r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > Dash-in throw
:r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc: > :u::snkb:/:uf::snkb:/:ub::snkb: (You can get some totally ambiguos cross-ups like this if you learn the specific timings for each)
:r::l::r::snkc: > :snkb: > :r::l::r::snkc:> :hcf::snka:

Possibilities are limited only to your imagination really. Probably one of the best multi-purpose moves in the game. Keep in mind that you cancel into it from just about anything, and it makes for great wake-up games.


Heā€™s best on power.

Mukuroā€™s damage output is retarded, and his crawl gives him a ton of mobility. Basically, youā€™ll be trying to pressure and disorient your opponent, doing shit loads of damage the whole way through. Utilize the crawl to get near your opponent or just to psyche him out. His air dives can be useful for punishing deflect happy opponents, but I wouldnā€™t rely too much on them. His super can safely chip certain opponents on wake-up as can his :dp::snka:.

Learning to use him at a high level of play involves knowing his crawl move inside out. It can and will go under certain projectiles, and itā€™s a great way to get his command throw (:hcb::snkc:) off.

Jump :snkb: is a great cross-up, jump :snkc: is a great air-air. :snkb: is nice for punishing air recoveries and you can right into your crawl mix-ups from it.
His :hcf::snka: is not a throw, it can be blocked. However, it comes out fast as hell and itā€™s got a ton of priority. Use the :snkb: version to punish ground recoveries from far away, the :snka: version closer up.

His projectile is one of the worst in fighting game history though. Avoid it unless you like getting hit with large combos.

(Reposting so it doesnā€™t get purged as well. I re-wrote the Mukuro guide for you)

Lee Guide

Power Mode:

:l::snka: (x2) > :snkb: > :hcb::snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:l::snka: (x2) > :snkb: > :qcb::db::r::snkb:
:l::snka: (x2) > :snkb: > :qcb::snkc: (x3)
:l::snka: > :d::snkb: > :d::u::snkb::d::snkb: or :qcb::snkc: (x3) or :qcb::db::r::snkb: or :hcb::snka: >
:d::snkc: (x3) > :snkb: > :hcb::snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:d::snkc: (x3) > :snkb: > :qcb::snkc: (x3) or :d::u::snkb::d::snkb:
:d::snkc: (x3) > :snkb: > :qcb::db::r::snkb:
:d::snkc: (x2) > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb: or :qcb::db::r::snkb:
:snka::snkb: > :snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:snka::snkb: > :snkc::d::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb: or :qcb::db::r::snkb:
:snka::snkb: > :snkc::d::snkc: > :hcb::snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:snka::snkb: > :snkc::d::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x3)
:snka::snkb: > :snkc::d::snkc: > :d::u::snkb::d::snkb:
:snka::snkb: > :snkc::d::snkc: :r::snkc:
:l::snka: (x2) > :r::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x3)
:l::snka: (x2) > :r::snkc: > Dash :uf::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x2)
:l::snka: (x2) > :r::snkc: > :hcb::snka:/:snkb:
:l::snka: > :d::snkc: > :snkb: > (Any of the B follow-ups mentioned before)

Character specific

:u::snkc: on downed opponent

Speed mode:

:d::snkc: (x2-3), :snkb: > :d::snkc:, :d::snkc: > :d::u::snkb:
:d::snkc: (x2-3), :snkb: > :d::snkc:, :d::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x3)
:d::snkc: (x2-3), :snkb: > :d::snkc:, :d::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:l::snka: (x2) :snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) > :qcb::snkc: (x3)
:snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) > :d::u::snkb::d::snkb:
:snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) :r::snkc:

**(Activate speed combo :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) ** :snka::snkb::snkc: > :d::snkc: > :d::snka: > :d::snkc: > :r::snkb::snkc: > :hcb::snka: > :d::u::snkb::d::snkb:

EX mode:

:snka::snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) > :hcb::snka::qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:snka::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc: (x2) > :qcb::db::r::snkb:
:d::snkc: (x2-3), :snkb: > :d::snkc:, :d::snkc: > :hcb::snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:

Basic Gameplan

Lee is fast as hell, and his dodge move is unbelievably broken. :snkb: gets you an overhead, :snkc: gets you the double sweep that you can combo into a DM. The opponent has exactly like half a second to guess which one youā€™re doing and it gives no clear indication of which youā€™re using. Use his jumping :qcf::snkc: off a blocked jump-in attack on occasion; especially in the corner. The opponent has to block this high, and if any part of it hits, you get to combo off it, as thereā€™s very little recovery on it. The easiest follow up is
:d::u::snkb: but only do that if youā€™re sure it hit, or if youā€™re sure the opponentā€™s going to try to counter-attack after blocking it (Itā€™ll stuff their attack). :hcb::snkb: (x2) is great for punishing mistakes from far away but make sure itā€™s not gonna get blocked. Leeā€™s air to air game is phenomenal, he may have the best air normal in the game. His early dash jumping :snkc: stuffs or at worst, trades with almost every other air attack, and you can chain :qcb::snkc: (x2) off it to boot.

His links are much safer in speed, since if you screw up, you can just keep going into those little sweep moves. Plus you can still get into his DM.

Miscellaneous Crap

-I think Lee works well in any mode, although Iā€™m leaning more towards using him in power because his :qcb::snkc: (x3) just does monstrous damage and you can link it from :d::snkc:. Also, his dodge overhead/sweeps do a lot more damage in this mode.
-He has the fastest standing :snkb: in the game, but it also stuns for a shorter amount of time than most of the others.
-Dash jump :snkc: and low jump :snkc: are your friends.
-If you hit a throw, :u::snkc: after.
-Off a successful ground-air or air-air parry, do :uf::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x2)
-Nasty trick with Lee: Run behind the opponent, then as soon you cross over, do his :d::snkc: links. Youā€™ll get people a lot of the time because of how quickly it comes out. Alternatively you can feint a dodge first then do the link as a mix-up so you donā€™t get parried right away if they see it coming.
-You can do all the :d::snkc: links without the :snkb: part, as it can be very difficult to hit that link 100% of the time, you donā€™t lose all that much damage so I say do it if youā€™re having trouble. Similarly, his :l::snka: links are probably better done with only 1 :snka: as the range on doing 2 is very short, and his :d::snkc: links are sometimes better done with 2 :snkc:'s instead of 3.
-Doing :hcb::snka: on a crouching opponent will knock them into the air which completely fucks up your super cancel so donā€™t cancel it if theyā€™re not standing up.
-:hcb::snka:/:snkb: and :snka::snkb: > :snkb: are great when the opponent is quick roll recovering from a fall.
-You can mash out of the second part of Leeā€™s DM. After you get hit by the first part, just mash directions/buttons and youā€™ll get out of the stun, then quickly block or parry the second part (Also applies for Zantetsuā€™s DM) (Thank god). My only explanation for this is that they got lazy and re-used the code for the dizzy animation, so mashing gets you out of this as well.
-On speed mode, you can combo his air attacks. Easiest one is low jump :snka: > :snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x2)
-If you get an air-air parry, do :snka:/:snkc: > :qcb::snkc: (x2) off it.
-Jumping attacks that are higher than yourā€™s can be stuffed with jumping :snkb:, but be careful, itā€™s not as quick as his other air normals.
-More of a general tip: speed combo activations are only ever guaranteed off a parry, or an overhead hit.
-Another general tip, his :qcb::db::r: DM motion (which is also the same motion for a lot of other characters), can also be done with :qcb::qcf: which I find easier.