so beta’s absence means srk successfully got beta aome serious medical help?
in all seriousness, I think the lack of any serious pandemic experience since the 1919 flu pandemic, has modern medicine on some uber god tier arrogance.
Clinic in Liberia was attacked. Patients being monitored for Ebola fled (symptoms for malaria and ebola are similar early on):
People think all sorts of things out there. They don’t think Ebola is real (see the second link)
Since the patients are quarantined, enough people think:
The stealing of blood stained items confuses me the most, when is anything that is blood soaked worth taking unless it’s evidence in a crime, I’m wondering if there is some witch doctor out there telling them it’s a lie and the blood will cure diseases.
Complete genocide seems overdoing it, but the free world (especially any countries that benefitted from slavery) should be paying to educate and help Africa.
African slaves were mostly sold to traders from tribal chiefs, fuck Africa, I say the white man should get back in there and strip mine the fuck out of the place and kill anybody left standing.
If they cant educate themselves enough not to eat fucking bushmeat, have the savvy to raise decent crops and livestock then what chance to they have of sorting out their endemic social crisis? Let em all burn.
Bako Harem or whatever its called. Think about that for a minute. Although, we have a cure supposedly now, so its kinda pointless, oh wait, we arent sharing it either, never mind.