What’s the latest with Marn, he was meant to get his lab results back on Tuesday. If he has gone dark it probably means the CDC are experimenting on him in a lab 100miles underground.
I just watched the Bay and Contaminated last night too
And now they are bringing those two medical aid workers back in a few hours who caught Ebola. You can bet the histeria driven news about it will start some protest with people saying send them back or kill them.
Nobody cares about Africa just its diamonds which is why nothing has or will be done there. Hell it seems as if Africa is being used as a biological warfare test zone if anything and the ignorance and denial of it existing there by Africans just helps escalate this shit
Ebola is supposed to be one of the most virualant diseases known to man and these fools like Sanjay Guptua keep telling us how there is no threat of an outbreak in the U.S.
HIV, AIDS, Ebola what the fuck is going on in Africa. Can’t be nature…
It cracks me up just how much people hate Africa and Africans(with the obvious exception of Ancient Egypt which people try their damndest to place out of Africa), when many of the gadgets and gizmos people would have a nervous breakdown without are made with several minerals predominately found in Africa.
Also funny the hatred for Africans considering many of them being used as guinea pigs for dangerous experimental medication, the safe version which Americans pop without a care in the world. :rock:
"Throughout the 1840s, J. Marion Sims, who is often referred to as “the father of gynecology”, performed surgical experiments on enslaved African women, without anaesthesia. The women—one of whom was operated on 30 times—regularly died from infections resulting from the experiments. In order to test one of his theories about the causes of trismus in infants, Sims performed experiments where he used a shoemaker’s awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women."
"Since Baartman was subject to perform not in the regular European-style clothes she would have worn in Cape Town, but in costume. “People came to see her because they saw her not as a person but as a pure example of this one part of the natural world,” Crais says. In Paris, Baartman’s promoters didn’t need to concern themselves with slavery charges. “By the time she got to Paris,” Crais says, “her existence was really quite miserable and extraordinarily poor. Sara was literally treated like an animal. There is some evidence to suggest that at one point a collar was placed around her neck.” Upon death Baartman’s body was sent to George Cuvier’s laboratory at the Museum of Natural History for examination. Cuvier wanted to examine her genitals to test his theory that the more “primitive” the mammal, the more pronounced would be the sexual organs and sexual drive. Baartman refused to be an experiment while she was alive but Cuvier got his way soon enough. With permission from police,** Cuvier, who had amassed the world’s largest collection of human and animal specimens, conducted an autopsy on Baartman’s dead body. First he made a cast of her body, then he preserved her brain and genitals. Cuvier concluded that “the Hottentots” were closer to great apes than humans. The rest of Baartman’s flesh was boiled down to bones for Cuvier’s collection and displayed for years afterward. Baartman’s body did not receive a proper burial until much later. Crais says. “Today she is behind bars even in her grave, and no one goes to visit.”**
Baartman’s skeleton and body cast were displayed in Muséum d’histoire naturelle d’Angers, where she entertained visitors until her skull was stolen in 1827 and subsequently returned a few months later. The restored skeleton and skull continued to arouse the interest of visitors until the remains were moved to the Musee de l’ Homme, when it was founded, in 1937 and continued up until the late 1970s. Her body cast and skeleton stood side by side and faced away from the viewer which emphasized her steatopygia (accumulation of fat on the buttocks) while reinforcing that aspect as the primary interest of her body. The Baartman exhibit proved popular until it elicited complaints from feminists who believed the exhibit was a degrading representation of women.(yeah I think the feminists missed the forest for the trees) The skeleton was removed in 1974 and the body cast in 1976.
Few more experiments, though there’s tons more throughout history beyond the scope of any of these articles
As an aside, Ancient Egypt wasn’t safe either, see the case of a formerly very popular pigment, Mummy Brown:
^Made from the crushed remains of actual mummies.(Sorry Pharaoh, at least you get to live on as paint.)
Anyways the point being, like I said in my first post, there’s a LOT taken from Africa, even in the modern day, that people use in their daily lives(and take for granted), without ever even thinking about it, making their contempt for the continent and its people(including her diaspora) pathetically comical.
Shoutouts to resident evil 5. I also think that these diseases that Africa has occur when we eat something that is too closely related to us. Eating a primate is the closest thing to cannibalism that there is but Africans in general refuse to believe it, because evolution is bunk right?
There are a good amount of African folks that I have met that are denialists about things like this. It seems like the more educated they become, the more that they seperate their religion from science. I’m sure education(a real education) would save so many lives in Africa. Education is the most worthwhile investment imo, and it could really save the world quite literally.
@BEWD Smh I guess that’s capitalism. But resources are limited and Americans consume most of them and not just from Africa. No matter what economic system is chosen, there will always be one that has a majority of the resources whether its one entire country, or just one person.
these are just old viruses that made the jump from animal to human due to whatever vector. increased radiation, increased human activity due to mass migration, etc.
Nature isnt nice, and its why humanity strives to overcome and co tell nature as we should.