Hello! This thread is to gather fighters from Laredo and (if possible:wonder:) Nuevo Laredo too. Personally, I don’t see many players around here:sad:, but its worth to try. The point of this thread is to get gamers in a day, weekend, or monthly basis. I wanted to announce that I’m looking for matches in Nuevo Laredo (since I live there), but also in Laredo Tx.
I don’t have anyone to play, except one guy that plays with me once a month or so… Fighters from both Laredos now you don’t have an excuse to not find people to play fighting games.
INTERESTED PEOPLE: send me a PM please! or post here!
UPDATE 07/11/2007
[COLOR=White][COLOR=Red]Spanish version here: http://smash-mex.byethost2.com/foro/viewtopic.php?t=729
Well, first of I want to thanks the people who had helped me one way or another.
Well, I don’t know if people know about the upcoming tournament in Nuevo Laredo called smash-mex. Its going to be the biggest and best tournament in all Mexico! So, I did some research, and they have forums, mainly focuses in smash, but that did’t stop me to look for fighters that like 2D brawlers. Any ways I made my point of creating a community, and its working (slowly, but working ). We even discuss the possibility to add Capcom, SNK, and other fighters (but we need to create this first).
So to start this community I’ve made a list of what the interested people may need. Now, about the place, time, and days. I don’t have any concrete or defined. First, I need people that are really interested in this subject. Now to the list.
—The stuff that you need (or better said what you can offer)—
Consoles: Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2 ( I’ll take my DC).
Controls: Well, I recomend you to take the one you feel more comfortable using. (I’ll take my Arcade Stick, couple GC, and DC controllers).
Games: Take any games you want, but (for preference) they have to be oriented to fighting games. (I’ll take my DC fighting games).
Adaptors: If you want to play with your ps2 controller on the DC you need an adaptors, so take whatever you need (I’ll take 3 DC–>PS2).
If someone can help out with this and the location, send me a PM or post here. AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS THREAD and POST!
P.D. [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=White]About the tournament is held at Nuevo Laredo at the Civic Center (Centro Civico) the adress is: Heroez de Nacataz y Reynosa
col. centro from 9:00 am a 8:00 pm during the july 22 and 23!
Entrance is 10 pesos (for spectators only), registration for the competition 70 pesos!
For more info visit http://smash-mex.byethost2.com/smx3/
[/COLOR]UPDATE 07/12/2007
Finally, I have a date for our matches. We are going to make our first meeting at “Gauntlet Game Lounge”.
The adress is 5517 McPherson Ste 2. (you don’t know where it is? Use google maps:)
We are meeting at 2:00 P.M. At July 13 2007. Interested people please drop by! Bring money because they charge seven dollars the hour, but only for one TV, so , for example, if we play five hours that means we pay 35 bucks. Let’s say we are 5 people; each one pays 7 dollars. So, the more people shows up cheaper it is for you. We are gonna play only fighting games, on Dreamcast, so bring your controllers, adaptors, and arcade sticks. Let the show begin!
Now, we are scheduling meetings every weekend. So, show your best skillz anytime!