Lag on PS3 ssf4

I was wondering if there was something wrong with the network for the past two days.

When I first got the game, I had great lag! Usually yellow’s and green’s. However, for the past two days I’ve been getting red lag games all the time! When I search, EVERY single room is red and when I do arcade mode with requests on, it NEVER finds me a game.

Does anyone know wassup? I tried dmz, port forwarding…etc.

Also, when I search, there are flashing green rooms then after a few seconds they turn into red lag rooms. DOes anyone know what that means?


That sounds like it’s a problem on your end. You could always try power-cycling your modem/router or calling your ISP.

I just tried resetting all the power with no luck. Watched a few laggy matches and left
I guess I will try something else out in the morning.

I am running out of ideas though on how to test/troubleshoot this problem.

I just tried resetting all the power with no luck. Watched a few laggy matches and left
I guess I will try something else out in the morning.

I am running out of ideas though on how to test/troubleshoot this problem.

speaking of lag and psn and such. NO ONE is playing SSFIV whats up with that???


Because it is basically just SF4 with a few minor adjustments? HDR eats SF4 for breakfast.

Make sure your ports are open and your PS3 has a NAT 1, if you have NAT 2 or 3, your going to run into problems connecting.

Since release, I have yet to not find a game in ranked or endless. And as far as laggy games, I have some here and there but only on yellow or below. Generally though as long as you only play yellow or higher connections you should be fine. Check your router and see if you have the right ports forward, or to make it easier, just put your PS3 in the DMZ.

my ps3 is set to dmz right now.
is nat 1 better than nat 2 or 3?
If so, how do i get it to nat 1?

Update: I just signed onto the psn and I found games with no lag. I was wondering, am i lagging at night because it is peak hours? If so, would upgrading my internet solve this problem?

how fast is your internet connection?.

Currently at 7:32 am my download/upload speeds are 12.8mb/868.4kbps. However at night, it is around 2mb download and I forgot what my upload speed is. That is a huge difference. WHat should be the minimum download/upload for ssf4 on the psn?

Hmm, I remember a few days ago I logged in the morning and had problems finding team battle matches and even endless battle with green bars. For whatever reason, the match making server isn’t GREAT.

AH well as we all knew would happen capcom has done nothing whatsoever to sort out the crapy netcode all they have done is try to dress it up abit. So great new game sucky ass online gimmicks still prevail.

After that one night of super lag, everything seems to be okay now. Getting great connection with basically every room I join. I really enjoy playing again :slight_smile:

Guaging from what I have read on other forums and through the PSN chatrooms themselves, it is my understanding that quite a few users are experiencing issues after moving to update v3.30. And only those users with the backwards compatible “fat” PS3 consoles. Slim version consoles, as I undrstand it, remain unaffected.