Kyo and A-groove

this thread just ain’t worth it
do whatever you wish to it

actually i think hes a pretty decent character. the cc you posted isnt his most damaging one tho, try doing dp+mp xx d/f+hk to the corner. also, buk pointed out some of his strong points in the ask me thread i think which i will repeat here.

he has rc rekka, which is relatively safe, and a guard crush cc (repeated dp+mp) that beats out counterattacks. he has a guaranteed dizzy off his cc too but you need to hit, xx hk upkicks to start it.

try looking for deshigitsune if you want to see a dope a-kyo player in action.

This is by far the worst thread in the cvs2 forums. First of all, the combos you posted don’t work at all considering kyo has no hcb+p move. Also, low short stand strong qcf forward doesn’t work most of the time depending on range. 2nd, if you’re looking for a specific opinion about a-kyo, why not read the kyo specific forums first and try to gain some knowledge about the character before asking.

why cant we all be friends :sad:

well I’m fuckin sorry, i made a mistake.

besides, the kyo forums are dead, aren’t they all.
If people can ask questions about Todo, Rock, and Geese, then I can ask for Kyo.

The forums are dead if you wish to think it is, it’s all old stuff but it’s where you learn all the old tricks that everyone know and use. And if you don’t know the old tricks thats where they get you. So even though the forums are quite old they can still be helpful.

Shut up and go kill some more north koreans.

ZZ_Jaron- Lets play a money match, first to 10 for $10 and I’ll use a-kyo every time.

no shit people keep posting kyo-specific stuff in the general strats thread.
that’s probably why it’s dead.

So my thread is the only one thats wrong. wow.
i was gonna put a more detailed 1st post asking for more but i guess not.
no help

UCRJesse: I know you can beat me. I never chalenged you. I’m just a n00b askin for help to un-n00b myself.

no, everyone who does this same shit is wrong.