Kuroda Exhibition Videos

I would laugh very hard if roshi linked us to a stream with that clip playing endlessly.

roshii is pretty cool dude

im waiting to die of laughter at this troll job

Kuroda kumite with Oro is real and was announced on twitter, like for last week’s:
But unlike last week, they didn’t link a stream so I guess it never happened.

Bottom line: there’s a lot of 3s action going on on twitter, especially if you can read japanese. Join twitter!

fall back roshi, i looked at those 2 websites which had nothing about it.

LUN: thanks for the twitter link!

not sure if it happened already or what though

so did we, as in someone in this community, get this or no?

I have the elena DVD. Why is kuroda the focus when MOV plays as elena for the last quarter of the DVD?


Woha, this week he’s going to play Q. Probably they won’t stream it though :confused:

Twitter / ???: ???3rd??? …


Whoever reported that Kuroda was going to retire from 3S was way off the mark. Looks like more weekly Kuroda Kumite events, free entry into the venue, 50 Yen per play. This is actually a really fantastic way to generate interest in 3S and keep people coming to the arcades. I just wish that GSV would stream or archive these matches on Nico Douga. Maybe they’ll round up all of these matches and put them on Kuroda DVDs.

A second round of Kuroda DVDs would be crazy.I have his Alex one and yes Kuroda does crazy shit,but its mainly against japanese ‘scrubs’.It seems like Gameinn Sakura just wanted footage of absolute rape for an hour and a half.

I want a DVD with him playing MOV,Nuki,YSB,Boss,KO etc.I don’t care if he wins or loses I just want to see some amazing fights.

I read somewhere in this forum that the recent Yang exhibition was recorded for a DVD and that it was going to be part of the set of Kuroda DVDs. Yang and Chun are the last two who don’t have a DVD (Urien has one but finding a copy is like finding the Dead Sea Scrolls it seems). Another full round of DVDs would be insane. I know that I’d pay a good amount of money for another Q DVD from Kuroda.

Yeah the only thing that is annoying about the Kuroda DVDs is that half of the matches are him just straight up pounding on beginners and below intermediate players. Getting his win streaks into the 50s and higher. Even though you get destroyed, it is a lot of fun for beginners or casuals to say that they are on the Kuroda DVD, and it brings tons of people to the arcade because they get a chance to play the absolute best player of all time in 3S. If they walled off Kuroda and only let top players go at him it might not bring in as many people (arcades are businesses after all). A Kuroda DVD like those Game Bingo ten game sets with Kuroda taking on top players in ten game sets would be just too good.

You guys fail to realize that kuroda would make 90% of players look like scrubs. Just because he does this on the DVDs doesn’t mean they suck. I think you all don’t understand the point of these DVDs. They aren’t meant to showcase a exclusive kumite or tourney they are just to show you how kuroda plays and how amazing it is. If you want great matches with the top of the top that’s what tougeki/coop cup/ are for.
Having “scrubs” on the DVDs has nothing to do with money lol. See how it works is they make a post on a message board advertising a kuroda kumite. Anyone can go it’s just an open event. Top Japanese players like the ones mentioned above don’t go because they probably just don’t care, or are busy. Top players in japan show up to events that usually are only of some importance. Of course kuroda playing is important but its no giant fun tourney. Not only that, but a kuroda kumite isn’t nearly as fun as a 5v5 at game versus. Or even a random friday of danisen. A kuroda kumite is way more fun to the YouTube warrior than it is the actual players.
Of course a 10 game set with each top player would be dope. But it’s not that easy to set up. It’s kinda hard to explain how the Japanese scene works but I’ve learned it’s way different than the us scene. (for the better)

Edit: I’m sure all the “dream matches” of top players vs kuroda have already happened. Not every match is recorded, edited, then uploaded

Sorry for the double post but I can’t believe you guys are complaining about the kuroda DVDs like it’s not good enough or something. This also goes out to all the match vid scrub:…

Game versus and the rest of japan have the greatest 3s scene in the world (obviously).
If the rest of the world quit 3s, would it even effect the Japanese scene? Nope.
Everyone should be so grateful that someone usually always takes the time to record and upload anything. I really respect the guys at versus, mikado, game bingo, acho and the rest of the game centers who post vids. Because in reality they really don’t have to.

come back to america and bring their teachings with you!

someone in Japan please get the Kuroda Q footage!!!

will there be anything new in his Q footage? I mean there are so many Q videos about his Q, I don’t think there will be a style change.

I want to see Kuroda Q vs Oro army.

Absolutely agreed. With his DVDs, it’s clearly not as if other high-level players are turned away in favour of scrubs for him to beast on (I’m sure that’s Vanao that finally ends his win-streak on the Hugo DVD), he’s just that dominant that it looks as such. Even if it’s not 50 fights against Boss, it doesn’t matter - it’s an illustration of the ideal (but most-difficult to learn and incorporate) styles of play to use in 3S. I remember reading somebody’s write-up a few years back from their visit to Japan, and, from memory, they said that Kuroda was destroying Hayao or YSB (possibly both) in Hugo mirrors. That can’t be easy.

This is his strategy against Oro: keep throwing out st.mp at max-range to destroy 90% of Oro’s pokes (if Oro trades, he takes much more damage and stun), then when Oro gets desperate and jumps, just whip-out Megaton and take off 45%.

Every time.

The twins CANNOT dive-kick against his Hugo, it is sheer suicide.

These are probably perfectly good players (even if they’re not Dirty/Inoue/Tokura/Yakkun), but he just shows the viewer fundamentally sound strategies that don’t require the gambles that most other players take. It’s just extremely difficult to play 3S without gambles is all.


Way to warp!

@Let blood run

It’s all about the money. The money is the reason the game exists. Vids are uploaded to garner interest. Interest = money.

Also, one guy stating his opinion != you all.

you are very confused.
Sf4 is all about the money.
There isn’t much to make off of 3s.
Have you ever been to any 3s exclusive arcades or game centers before?
The people that set up tourneys and release vids do it for the love of the game.