Kuma Teams

Me and you both man! Gotta come up with some good tag cancels to work in, and I think it could make a really good team.

If you can connect with Geif’s green fist then you can combo that straight to a striking tag and from there Kuma can go to town with options! Its risky on the green fist though, let me know what you come up with and I’ll do likewise!

Kuma + Abel have some really nice synergy, one step kick can lead to huge damage. This should be my team for a while, hopefully you guys might get some ideas from this


I have plenty of stuff for that team, actually. With three bars, pretty much the best thing you can do is land Kuma’s HP Megaton with ground bounce follow, then hk xx cross art. On some characters that’s around 3/4 health. It’s no joke.

In the corner, land a HP Megaton into ground bounce, tag Gief in, and do cr.hp, st.mp, st.mp, punch lariat. Crazy damage for one bar.

When using gief you can EX Greenhand, mp, st.lk xx lariat xx tag. Then with Kuma you can finish with whatever you like. I keep it simple with hp megaton, lp followup, and roll after them. If you want to spend the rest of your bar you can EX Frolicking Bear and close the juggle with sweep.


I’ve been a Seth main in SF4 since vanilla so this team is new territory for me. Kuma sure is a frustrating character to play. I’ll be watching these forums for any new technology, though.

Been playing Kuma as my main since Tekken 4. Can’t drop the habit. I wanted a Seth/Kuma team, but yeah. After playing Juri for a couple days, its pretty clear she’s kinda amazing in this game. Hella fun, hella hot, and I think she compliments Kuma well enough. Pinwheel makes for some good switch combos or safe tag ins on block (if followed up by f.jab, strong, fierce, megaton claw). Sometimes I can even catch people with rock and roll circus after a blocked pinwheel. Juri really helps a lot on what seem like Kuma’s bad matchups, especially Hugo (although, I’ll admit, Gief seems to be a great Hugo counter, if not the best).

Been using Kuma/Hugo here. Damage is great, just havin some trouble staying in.

Thinking about picking up someone who’s decent at keep away to supplement either of these guys

Going with Kuma/Ogre and Kuma/Paul. Nothing special on the tag combo side just yet.

Neither is a good team, but they are fun individually…

My best friend plays Paul in every team he has. He is the best Paul player I’ve seen so far, and I know some pretty great tech from playing him. I’ve seen things, maaan. I wouldn’t give ANY tier list for the next 3-4 months and validity. It’s way too early to tell who is good and who isn’t. I think Paul is ranked low because of his wake up options (he has none) and lack of anyone ‘pro’ playing him.

I play Ranked Tag Team with him all the time, usually Kuma x Paul. Unfortunately, I can’t recommend that pairing, they both depend on meter to be scary enough to get in their real pressure and game-plan. You need a solid character (so basically a SF character) who does not need meter, and can build some meter, on point. Then Kuma comes in loaded and dangerous every time. I love Paul, but that team just doesn’t work well IMO.


Synergy? Combos? Fuck that noise. I pick it just for the matching names.

Fun fact: “Kuma” is Japanese for “bear”, and Akuma is Japanese for “a bear”.

haven’t really mess with Orge/Kuma for too long but orge is handy when need to deal with counter other battery or turtle like characters. Orge is less safer than other characters but his surprise attack are good tag in moves to set up kuma offensive game

Kuma and ryu

Been working alot with Kuma/Heihachi over the break; teams legit.

Kuma/Gief is so fucking good if you know how to use both of them correctly.

Kuma’s been the only character I’ve really liked enough to stick with. I’ve been putting him on point a lot and trying other characters in the 2nd slot. I’ve been trying Hugo, King, Marduk, Poison and I haven’t really felt any of them that much. I feel like Kuma is sort of self-sufficient, be builds his own meter and does good damage by himself. I usually use him as a battery while I feel them out and do decent damage using meterless BnB’s with oki and I don’t use much meter with him aside from Super and tag cancels.

So, looking for someone to benefit off the meter he gets, have good wakes off of an untechable knockdown TC and if possible someone who can get better damage than him off a TC than he can solo.

Totally, Ken works well with almost every character because he allows a free jump in combo off of his tatsu. This is why I’ve been messing around with Yoshimitsu, because his spinning windmill move allows for the same thing, and Yoshimitsu is cooler :wink:

Kuma/Heihachi have REALLY nice string comboes off of launchers, but I guess that is every character that is paired with Heihachi :smiley:

In all seriousness, Kuma/Abel is what I run.

Still working on the whole team combo-synergy-whatsit, but those are two characters I thoroughly enjoy, soooo…

Yeah, I’m still with this team, the combos are great but the problem I have is after starting a launcher with Abel, outside of the corner it’s really hard to continue the combo with tag cancels for some reason…kind of irritates me, maybe I’m messing something up

The team is great though, Abel does well at getting the bear in with his gdlk st.lk, and the bear will mess anything up…abel pumps up his damage and vice versa

Kuma/Steve Or Kuma/Asuka ;D But Kuma/Zangief Go together well imo

I’ve been running Kuma and Law myself. Kuma is, of course, the power and Law is my speedy character. I usually use Law to build meter for Kuma to use but been running Kuma up front lately and just mauling folks as much as possible before tagging Law in.