KOF13/2002UM/98UM found on the Steam App database


No idea if/when these games will be released. (Final Fantasy 7 PC version has been in the steam app database since 2011 when Square and Eidos merged) but it gives hope for a official PC port of these games. This is especially a good thing for KOF13 since the only way to play it is to emulate the Taito X2 board and play the far out of date dump of the original KOF13 (before EX Iori and all the other balance changes from the console port) and that can’t even be played online.

If this actually happens, cool.

I can already feel the horde of Brazilians warming up their J and A keys on their keyboards.

don’t forget about: kkkkkkkkkkkk and huehuehueheuheu

anyway Day 1 buy for me! KOF2002UM and 13 at least


King of Fighters 13 OFFICIAL community page. I think that points to this being pretty legit.

This would be so awesome,
though I’m crossing my fingers the netcode’ll be better.
Either way, it’ll be easier for me to play people offline if it gets a PC release.

Even if it doesn’t have better netcode it would be great news to me. I don’t want to have to buy a console for the 2 or 3 games I actually want to play.

I don’t think I could run 2002UM on my netbook. I wish I could, but hell if it comes to steam it’ll be a day one buy regardless if I can run it. I’m sure I could run 98UM.

hope is for the weak

Hope is for everyone, we need it on the right moment, and one of that moments is now, I really hope to play this on my PC soon, KOF 4EVER.

Awww yisss, first Skullgirls and now this! I hope it doesn’t uses GFWL though.

Please make the netcode stable and I might consider buying it. Would be also happy to try out the updated versions instead of the vanilla versions of 98 and 2002 on GGPO.

i went to Twitter to get a reaction from SNK Playmore (some companies had nothing else to do, but confirm the Steam DB leaks)

their last tweet is from March 2012, the second to last is from Oct 2009. the background image is with KOF12

oook, nevermind :expressionless:

Come on!..please let this be real. buying KOF XIII, KOF 2002 UM and KOF '98 UM on day 1 if this turns out to be true. please SNKP, ATLUS , and Steam make this happen. Viva KOF !!!

Hope its 98UM Final Edition, even if its not, Hour 1 instant buy, oh and KOF 13 would be cool also<br>

Called it suckas! :smiley:

Where’s 98 and 2002?

I heard somewhere they have been removed from steam.

They were either removed from public sight or are gone for good from the Tencent agreement.

What doesn Tencent have to do with the games being removed?