Front Side, Mid Screen
Front Side, Mid-Screen HD Combos
With Raiden mid Screen **(One Ex Tackle away from opposite wall) **and 2 bars with no charged drop kick, the punish is as follows
cr:hp: HD cr:hp: Ex Tackle xx :hp: spit… Ex Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp: Tackle/DropKick xx :hp: Tackle**/DropKick **xx :lp:Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp: Tackle/DropKick… Air Throw
844 Damage/ Combo A
More Meter!
With Raiden mid screen and 3 bars and with no charged drop kick, the HD combo is as follows.
cr:hp: HD cr:hp: Ex Spit ~ Crumple…
Ex Tackle xx :hp:Spit… Ex Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp: Tackle/Drop Kick xx :hp: Tackle/DropKick xx :lp:Tackle xx :hp:Spit
:lp:Tackle/Dropkick… Air Throw
891 Damage/ Combo B
If you have a :hk: Dropkick already stored
and if you have 2 bars of meter and are willing to get fancy, then you may choose to perform the following combo:
cr:hp: HD cr:hp: xx Ex Tackle**/DropKick** xx :hp: Spit… Ex Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp:Tackle/DropKick xx :hp:Tackle/DropKick xx :lp:Tackle xx :hp:Spit
:lp:Tackle/DropKick… Air Throw
872 Damage/ Combo C
As stated above, if you have a drop kick charged already
AND if you have 3 bars of meter and you’re willing to spend all three, you may choose to perform this combo
cr:hp: HD cr:hp: xx Ex Spit ~Crumple
Ex Tackle**/Dropkick** xx :hp: Spit… Ex Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp:Tackle/Dropkick xx :hp:Tackle/DropKick xx :lp: Tackle xx :hp: Spit
:lp: Tackle/DropKick… Air Throw
921 Damage/ Combo D
Some help to sort out these combos:looney:
Combo A should be conceived as being the base or rather, the foundational BnB HD combo from which all other subsequent HD combos are based off of or build from!
That combo B and A are very similar
The ONLY difference between B and A is that for B, the 2nd cr:hp: is simply cancelled into Ex Spit first rather than going immediately into the Ex Tackle,
Everything else from that point is the same
Notice Again!
Combo C is very similar to Combo A also
The ONLY difference is that for C, the first EX tackle is cancelled into a DropKick first and THEN is cancelled into the :hp: Spit
Everything else is the same!
Combo D is a combination of B & C
It’s the fanciest and therefore the most difficult
The 2nd cr:hp: is cancelled into an Ex Spit
and the first Ex Tackle is cancelled into a DropKick
everything afterwards is the same as combo A
Nutshell: :china:
Two Bars = Combo A
Three Bars = Combo B
Two Bars + Drop Kick = Combo C
Three Bars + Drop Kick = Combo D[/details]
From Full Screen
Front Side, Full Screen HD Combos
From the combos listed above for Mid-Screen HD combos
Combos C&D will be the two combos used for FULL Screen HD, with a few tweaks
A & B Don’t work, they are mid screen specific
Let’s start with C
The changes made for this combo will be the following
The initial DropKick cancelled off the first EX tackle will be cancelled into a :lp: tackle rather than a :hp: spit!
No big surprise there! :hp: spit only works in the corner
As for Combo C within this scenario… the same change is applied
The initial Ex tackle which takes place after the Ex Spit
is cancelled into a drop kick which is then cancelled into a :lp: Tackle
which then is juggled into an Ex tackle which then will land Raiden in the corner to begin the Tackle/Dropkick loop
Also one other important note
For all the mid-screen combos, the 2nd to last tackle in the combos was always a :lp: tackle which then was cancelled into a :hp: spit
For the full screen combos, the 2nd to last tackle has to be swapped out from :lp: to :hp: version!
For some reasons the preceding dropkick launches them higher into the air which makes the :lp: Tackle whiff underneath at times!
No matter since :hp: Tackle does more damage anyway :pleased:
After a cross up, Mid Screen
Cross Up, HD Combos
First a couple thoughts about cross up starters, or jump ins for that matter
Often times it isn’t always known by the player that a jump in is going to hit for sure. Being that Raiden’s jumping in:hk: is ambiguous as it is, opponents may find themselves gambeling by blindly blocking one way or the other…
As much as it sucks, sometimes they guess right…
Being that that’s the case, I find that it’s wiser to follow up the cross up:hk: with two cr:lk: hit-confirm. Cr:lk: chains into itself so the link is very secure and cancelling the 2nd :lk: into HD and then following it up with another cr:lk; xx Ex Tackle is fairly simple…
The these combos illustrated below will be done so with cr:lk: and or :lp: rather than :hp: and therefore the damage will be scaled to reflect it.
[spoiler= Cross up, Mid Screen HD Combos]
From the 4 combos listed in Mid-Screen combos, Combo C is the only combo out of the four that does NOT work in this scenario!
There is simply not enough charge time for a drop kick between the initial cross up:hk: and the first Ex Tackle
A B & D work though :tup:
Cross up :hk:, cr:lk: cr:lk: **HD **cr:lk: :f: Combo A
757 Damage
Cross up :jk: cr:lp: st:lp: HD st:hp: xx Ex Spit :f: Combo B
802 damage
Cross up :hk: cr:lp: st:lp: HD st:hp: xx Ex Spit:f: Combo D
835 Damage
*2nd to Last Tackle in Combo D must be :hp: Tackle
Just like the full screen combos listed before
**It’s a mid screen combo, so make sure that during Combo D, that the DropKick after the initial Ex Tackle is cancelled into a :hp: spit not :lp: tackle~ That’s for full screen!
Cross up and full screen
Cross Up, Full Screen HD Combos
The simplest yet bitter-sweet portion of Raiden’s HD combo
Why is it bitter sweet?
Because 3 out of the 4 combos from the first section DON’T WORK in this scenario which means that your life got easier because you have no choices to make, only one combo works
The bad news is that it’s the hardest out of the four
Combo D
A nor B won’t work because they are mid screen specific
and C won’t work because it requires a precharged drop kick without needing to use EX Spit to buy time which simply won’t work on account that the combo begins with a cross up:hk: ~ Not enough Charge time!
Cross up :hk:
cr:lp:st:lp: **HD **st:hp: xx Ex Spit :f: Combo D
829 Damage
It’s full screen so make sure to cancel the drop kick into :lp: Tackle
"st:hp: xx Ex Spit
Ex Tackle/DropKick xx :lp: Tackle"
What it would look like