And I, the Great Dark Hero, would like to present: Mai Shiranui of KOF XIII

According to Dream Cancel, Mai Shiranui is… not quite the same as she was in her previous alliterations (KOF 2K2 for example). I wouldn’t think so. Most players disregard her as simply fan service, though she is far more dangerous than most players make her out to be. As of KOF XIII, Mai is a really great character to play who ensures her spot in the mid-tier. Mai is pretty much a “less for more” character. This integration of Mai is based around her Fatal Fury appearance (I think this is kind of loose, because she is still missing QUITE a few moves. Like her reversals for example. But, then again, if she did have a reversal in this game in her move set, she’d probably be overpowered - She would be okay as she is, due to the nature of the game.
Mai is probably one of the best (yet extremely underrated) battery characters. Mai’s has exceptionally good normals and priority in general. The tools at Mai’s disposal include a wall jump, air-throw, a good projectile, high priority normals, a B>D chain combo, fast movement, cross-up air.C, easy safe jumps, a air command move, and an alternate jump maneuver. Mai is a character made to play good keep-away, dominate the air, and the corner. All of Mai’s EX moves set the opponent up for a juggle. Mai also has a ton of HD combo set-ups and arguably one of the best Neo Max’s in the game because it has a really huge hit box, it does not scale that much, and it covers just about half a screen. She is the corner goddess of this game and it is really easy for Mai to do a lot of damage with just one stock or even one drive. Mai’s her ground Musasabi no Mai can be used to get to places as it is quick and can easily catch the opponent off guard because there is no recover after the jump, unless there is a wall next to the opponent. The ground Musasabi can cover more ground or provide distance and the player can use her dive from her wall or cancel it into her j.d.B command move (which can also beat certain anti-airs). Last, she is one of the two characters (besides King) that perform a corner/mid-screen cross-up from a throw.
Mai’s jumping arcs are really tricky to adjust to, as she is easily exposed to anti-airs. Mai does not have an anti-air herself, though her st.A, st.C, j.CD, and her cr.C (yes, I said cr.C) can be utilized for that purpose. The majority of her special moves except for her Ryuenbuu or Kachosen are unsafe on guard. Despite having many methods of game play, Mai loses out if she is under too much pressure, so knowing how to use her normal and playing keep-away is imperative. Last, Mai does not do much damage from mid-screen at all so the player will have to either continue a keep-away game, or use her BnB’s to drag their opponent into the corner and continue the assault. Mai needs meter to be operational so, she is a very nice battery character and (if you are extremely cautious with Mai) a decent anchor thanks to her Neo Max, corner juggles, and her strong normals.
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