KOF character tiers...storyline wise?

dont forget random qcf C unblockable in KOF98

The closest thing to an official tier list from SNK is the Card Fighters game on NeoGeo Pocket Color, and thats what I’m going to post now.

Geese : 1500

Terry, Iori: 1000

Ryo: 900 (Ryo is the only one in the whole list with a 900 rating O.O" )

Kyo, Andy, Yamazaki:** 800**

K’, Robert, Joe, Kim, Billy, Yashiro(reg): 700

Mai, King, Athena, Heidren, Maxima, Benimaru, Geonitz: 600

Takuma, Yuri, Kensou, Mary, Shermie(reg), Daimon: 500

Leona, Ralf, Clark, Chris(reg), Saisyu, Shingo, Kasumi, Mature, Vice: 400

I only posted popular/main stay characters for now, but if you want ratings on other characters, ask.

Capcom characters are also available since this Card game was vs. Capcom.

Isn’t Chizuru counted as a boss? She was the boss of, what was it, KOF96? 97?

Chizuru: 300

Fuck all of those KOF characters

Terry owns them all for free.

Truth. Raging Pretzel > Shin Orochi Jesus.


Orochi (is not dead… he’s in slumber for a next 100/1000 years)
Dragon spirit (if they ever continue the storylne! :confused: )
geonitz (either sealed or dead)
mukai/igniz (he might be higher though…)
Omega rugal, Mr karate (takuma)(not sure about these two though)
Kyo, Iori, K’, Ash? zero/real zero, krizalid
Geese, Terry, Ryo (Mr.Karate)
Rest of cast

yo dn3000 are u the guy with the Mr. Karate screenshots in FatalFury Wild Ambition from way back?

Geese is numba 1 his insurance Claims for falling of bulidings is un rivaled.
“opps here i go agian billy”
“hey hey hey”

Freakin agreed.

Ralf’s old Galactica Phantom>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>entire Kof cast

am sorry to say that the nest team are not normal. i’ll posted my tier’s soon :slight_smile:

what do you mean “my tiers”…?

wtf is up with everyone making up ratings

Chris does not exist because Orochi possesed his body. There is only a clone of him which by story was killed off by Yashiro.

Orochi is the most powerfullest force in KOF IMO.
Yashiro/Shermie/Yamazaki/BloodRiot Iori and Blood Riot Leona/Geonitz/Vice/Mature

Yamazaki is by far the most powerfullest Orochi since he “NEVER” uses his full potential and still kills everyone in the KOF roster. Except for Terry and Kyo.

I say its
5.BloodRiot Iori/Mature

Thats definetly not valid. Theres a lot of messy stuff. Goenitz on the same level as Heidern? Heidern was beaten by Rugal who was beaten by Goenitz.

I know thats from a SNK game, but… no way.

Exactly, it doesn’t even have Chang. But I hacked into the game and found Chang’s rating. They didn’t include him because he broke the game. No I mean literally, he broke it, the number was too big to fit on the screen and the game kept crashing.

Chang: ____

Serp, SRK can’t handle Chang’s ginormous awesomeness. That number takes up so much bandwidth that we’d need a 5 year rule between posts. I editted it out to save SRK, but don’t try that again. This is your last warning.


  • Last edited by Mr. Wizard today at 09:07 PM *

O. Yashiro, O. Shermie, O. Chris
O. Iori, O. Leona
Kyo, Iori, Chizuru, K’
Yashiro, Shermie, Chris

That’s what I’m putting. I didn’t put up Rugal since Vice and Mature were supposed to be his assistants from Goenitz to keep him in check, but at the same time they were killed by O. Iori before they could go into any blood riot mode. Yama may be part of the Orochi, but he hasn’t shown it either.

I have never understood why people put Goenitz right under Orochi. Seriously what evidence is there other than destroying a stadium in a cut scene?

If anything I would place him at about the same place as other bosses like the Nest group and other Orochi’s. Although with the way 2003 depicted it Mukai should already be stronger than Goenitz was, what with after taking a savage beating still being able to walk away in dramatic fashion.

Allright, I will definately agree with you that there are some inaccurate ratings (Mr. Karate from AOF = 700, Geonitz so low, wth), but when has anyone ever seen a tier list from SNK themselves?

This is the only thing I have ever seen from SNK themselves:

SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters

SVC Card Fighters Cover Poster

If anyone has another official SNK endorsed tier list, they should post up info/links instead of just making up ratings based on our interpretations and knowledge of the KOF universe, while there will be some accurate ratings, there will also be those that are not.

heh , from 97-2000 a counter sdm Galactica Phantom was an instant K.O hehe