Hello all, im not new to this game, but im a parry freak. Im getting so much better on my reactions, but im mainly guessing, like, every time a player blocks my attack i quickly tap forward just in case he retaliates, but, parrying isnt all about mindless guess parrying right?
Yeah but the thing is, i guess by just tapping forward or down when think they bout ta throw a quick jab or poke or something, i dont know when the punches are coming…(thats way too fast to react to that, I MEAN HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT A 1 FRAME JAB IS COMING WITHOUT GUESSING LOL) but i guess, ill have to practice that, but nowadays all people do is poke and sweep, so low parrys are my new set ups then
WoW, , so, (last question then im through i think) Ex.–If i just did J. Hk c.lk(x2) , then Tatsu, and the tatsu got blocked, when i hit the ground i’d tap down really fast knowing that the opponent is most likely going to hit there, correct?
If i am correct , also, wouldnt there be a 50/50 chance that they’d do a super, after a blocked tatsu though? I luv pressuring and rushing people to the max, but they always end up specialing after a blocked tatsu, to stop the rush, then counter with a rush of their own. i tried stopping that, but it turned into a habit, i start looking like a helicopter after a while lol.
Hmm… how about not doing the Hurricane Kick at all if the low shorts get blocked? Seriously, at point blank you can get 3 low shorts into HK Hurricane Kick, which is more than enough to confirm it (only combos against standing opponents, though).
YEA cuz usually when i do the c. lk(x2) tatsu, when the lk’s get blocked it happens so fast, i never stop to realize i could get countered, and tatsu anywayz:rolleyes: but what i should do is when they block those lk’s dash in for a grab, or when they crouch and do that unblockable(when crouching) punch.
Buffering parries in poke situations is sooooo good in cvs2. Even better than 3s, because like Hav said, most commonly used pokes can only be used in a situation where you can only be hit in one direction. With characters like P sagat or Cammy, crowding them with parries makes them really scared to press buttons.