Do note that Mezu’s 214C is completely stupid. Throw -> 214C is a huge left/right. It can be dodged, but then you can mix in 66 Throw. And the cycle ensues.
Also, reversals are easy. Nobody should ever complain about them in Kizuna.
Do note that Mezu’s 214C is completely stupid. Throw -> 214C is a huge left/right. It can be dodged, but then you can mix in 66 Throw. And the cycle ensues.
Also, reversals are easy. Nobody should ever complain about them in Kizuna.
Not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean after throw he can do Blanka ball and it’s an ambigious cross up or an unblockable or what? Haven’t been able to dash cancel effectively, then again I was just messing around with Rosa.
I kinda’ figured out air combos: Basically if you do an air combo and land right next to them before they touch the ground you have I want to say 1 frame but it’s probably more than that to continue your combo. The timing is pretty specific and I was able to land a basic ABC into ABC combo maybe 2 or 3 out of 10 attempts.
I still, still cannot figure out a way to combo into Rosa’s Super. As soon as I think I got it I fuck it up somehow. So far the only way to combo into it is to do close C or Downfoward C and cancel off the first hit and it’s corner only. I’ve tried doing an air combo in the corner, basic ABC, then on the ground close C into Super and I think I landed it once. Very difficult. But because her Super is very safe on block it’s a good move to throw out there after a block string or if you have Yomi.
**Oh yeah, two other things that aren’t documented very well:
Red Health only. In tag zone hit double QCB Punch to do a tag super, does okay damage, but pointless because you can do more damage with your HCB+F Punch Super… Unless there’s some way of tagging in your partner during the tag super.
Red Health only: In tag zone, hit reverse SRK and D (Tag) and hold the opposite direction and your tag partner will come out with an attack that homes in on the opponent and as far as I can tell it’s totally safe.
Ambiguous crossup. I said it’s a left/right.
Dash cancels are incredibly easy. Just tap 4 during dash. Backdash cancels either don’t exist or are character specific.
I said that. You can block out of it. Addition to combo counter does not equal combo.
And then they jump back and punish your super attempt with a full jump-in combo because of predictable pressure.
The tag super is 421A. It’s good. Tag attack is punishable, at the very least with throw.
Generic movelist stuff though.
Maybe you can help answer this: What can and can you not do on wakeup? It seems like you can’t AB roll or neutral AB on wakeup, I think meaties interrupt wakeup attacks and Supers. But it looks like you can grab on wakeup.
It seems that even properly timed meaty attacks will get beaten by reversals. You can do A+B stuff on wakeup, which is weird because the input shouldn’t be able to be buffered and I doubt I was doing frame-perfect timing. Using A+B on wakeup is a good chunk of the guessing game in order to avoid mixups. 6A+B can do the same, but it’s vastly more punishable on a good read (full combo as opposed to throw), and it doesn’t provide any actual punishment if they go for a normal mixup. It just returns it to neutral game.
Kim rekkas go through fireballs. Actually, they nullify them.
GG’s to Morgan aka Remzi. Rekka’s going through fireballs was insane. I think Eagle’s worst matchup is Kim, there’s literally nothing he can do to get out of that blockstring. Gordon has a chance but not much else. I assume you could use Gordon to counter your opponent’s partner. And the Ninja’s and Rosa all have a decent chance against him.
I was messing around with Guard Cancels and it doesn’t look like you can follow them up as you would with your usual specials. Like the Ninja’s Guard Cancels are their Tap A or B moves respectively. But you can’t end it with a QCF+A or B and you cannot cancel into Super. Tried it with Rosa too and no luck. Only thing I was able to do is use King Lion and Kim’s Guard Cancel’s and follow up with their OTG’s -King Lion’s Sword and Kim’s Hangetsuzan-/
Discovered some other shit:
The Ninja’s tC (two hitter) is a free anywhere combo into their super if it’s done a little early after the 2nd hit.
Keep in mind Mezu’s (Blue Ninja) ambiguous cross up with his blanka ball after a knockdown and you have a pretty scary character.
Also it seems like Mezu’s jC has more priority than Gozu’s jA.
Chung can also do the Chicken Super, do neutral C (I think corner only) and do his super. Doesn’t combo but it forces them to block and does pretty decent chip. Good for pressure.
421D is the one tag move. Roughly translates to “emergency touch”. It can only be done when your character’s life is flashing and the enemies character isn’t.
Rosa can do j7.A2CC as a combo. Instant overhead into knockdown is k. I tested it on a crouching Hayate. It should work on everyone, but I’m not 100% sure.
Joker can combo off GC and his 41236A. He has an infinite in corner with stuff -> [ f.5C 41236A ] xN
It seems to be spacing-specific, so make sure you’re at a farther range by using a chain into 6C beforehand. Off GC point-blank in corner, you can do 2BB 6C 41236A into infinite. Guardcancel into infinite. Broken as fuck.
I wonder who else can combo off guardcancels…
Edit : Infinite works midscreen too. Joker brought a smile to my face.
Interesting. I gotta’ see that Joker technology.
Fucked around and found a decent combo for Gordon. T.A, Downfoward B, Bellyflop (SRK A) to OTG. Does about 25% and you get a knockdown and can set them up.
623A OTG isn’t as good as the other OTG options. j.2B and 3A both do good damage and give far better oki.
Gordon BnBs are something like 2BB 6AC 236A 236A and j.B6C 2B 6AC 236A 236A . Does a lot more damage than your combo.
His ideal antiair combo is 5C 236C (3A). B+C is massive so it can antiair too.
Other notes
Gordon 632146A won’t come out unless they’re both in a throwable state and incredibly close. If they aren’t, it gives 6A instead.
The jumping B+C attacks (or at least all of them that I tested) are in a jumping state on either frame 1 or frame 2. Not completely sure, but I’m positive it’s before frame 3.
mighty big fan of kizuna encounter kim sue and joker my team right ther
Nobody shows up to play this anymore.
I’m on a router right now. And GGPO hates routered connections.
Sometime soon maybe.
I accidentally discovered how to soften throws. It seems like throws are similar to Samurai Shodown V SP in that Player 1 will always get their throw out first, could be wrong but it looks like that’s the case. BUT if you both hit toward or away C at the same time (direction doesn’t matter) the guy who gets thrown takes half damage and quick rises.
We should start a Wiki for this game.
Played Lil’ Kratos on Supercade and discovered that the Tag Super can be used as safe pressure as you can cancel pretty much any normal into it. I don’t think you can Guard Cancel a blocked tag super.
My attempt at a tier-list with what’s known so far.
S+++ (Banned) Jyazu and Shin King Lion.
S+ Kim, Joker. Kim edges out Joker with his infinite blockstring that completely shuts down Eagle and really safe pressure that can easily go high/low. Plus his Rekka eats fireballs. Joker is 2nd best because of his infinite and being generally good at rushdown and keepaway.
S Mezu, Gozu. Mezu edges out Gozu because of his superior Blanka Ball that sets up an ambiguous situation after a knockdown and he can OTG with his Blanka Ball whereas Gozu has to be right next to them in order to OTG with his. In addition; Mezu’s mash B move does hard knockdown after the followup. He also has that wave fireball (SRK+B input) that goes through other fireballs and does hard knockdown and can be done ambiguously. On the plus side, Gozu has a solid air fireball. The Ninja’s have the best mobility in the entire game, can easily combo into their Supers, and their Supers can AA, Chip kill, and are generally good for zoning.
**A+ ** Rosa. Really good rushdown with safe offense. Can zone well enough and has a reflector. Only problem; cannot combo into Super except in an extremely specific setup that works only in the corner. Super can punish generally well and is relatively safe on block.
A Gordon. Best fireball in the entire game. Fast as hell and goes through every projectile. Only thing that stops it are Kim’s Rekka’s and Rosa’s reflector. Fairly quick recovery on his fireball. Has a jumping grab but can be difficult to setup, gets out-poked by Kim. His blockable Running Grab can be used unpredictably but is unsafe on block, but difficult to punish depending on the distance. Running Grab also AA’s. Only character in the game with an unblockable grab and it’s his super. Can tick into his grab for an easy unblockable. Can be zoned out when attempting this. Possess decent combos and pokes on top of this.
A- King Lion, Sho Hayate. King Lion has good rushdown with his Beast Blow which is safe on block but he cannot follow up with an OTG like he can with his SRK on hit. His zoning is okay at best but you can’t really rely on it because it doesn’t go fullscreen and he’s very unsafe if you guessed wrong. Cannot combo into Super either, but can use it to punish, to AA, and chip a little. Cannot rely on his Super to zone. One of the few characters that has a crossup and a Geese Howard-esque counter move. Sho Hayate. Overall good fireball game and pressure. Can be played similarly to Rosa and can actually combo into his Super. Just not as good at pressure as Rosa and has to rely more on zoning.
B- Chung. Not a terrible character but he cannot combo into his Super and his zoning game is sub-par compared to the other character. Gets bonus points for his Chicken super.
C Eagle. Not a terrible character either but the problem is that he gets completely shut down by Kim’s infinite blockstring. The only way to get out of that blockstring is to Guard Cancel and Eagle’s Guard Cancel sends him flying upwards and will completely miss Kim and most other characters too. His zoning is okay but is easily shut down by the top tiers.
I share your opinion about the tier list in this game overall. I’d only put Rosa just below Kim and Joker. Kim is absolutely the best in this game, even if you ban the loops: comboable overhead, excellent normals, damaging combos, good aerial game. Joker is pretty good even without the infinite, but i don’t think he would be better than the ninjas and Rosa. Rosa damage potential is good enough to not worry about trying to connect the super. She can combo the super midscreen, but is unpractical and i think does less damage than a good combo. She can do also combos from an overhead also i believe, i don’t remember to be honest. When she loses her weapon, she can do very well and earns other properties in her moveset wich is a nice-to-have detail. The super is also crazy, it is very safe and has some invincibility frames (for example you can do super into super, to punish a punish attempt).
A lot of characters have crossups if not all the cast. Chung has probably the best crossup in the game with fwd+B. Gordon’s butt attack is also very good with the same purpose, i use it a lot for okizeme.
Okizeme potential is good in this game, but it could be killer if it weren’t for the fast recovery feature. This, coupled with the dodge, strife and jump, can save you from a lot of setups
I haven’t played the game in a while, but i liked Rosa, Gordon and Chung.
Finally found some real high level Japanese footage:
The interesting thing is that they’re playing on a special 4 player version.
BTW: There’s a really good Gordon player in Part 2. I feel my tier list is justified now.
Is there any way to play the 4p version in something like supercade or ggpo?