Kitchen Nightmares with Chef Ramsey

I felt bad that the restaurant shut down. I really enjoyed seeing Ricky become more humble and learning from the experience, rather than just trying to fight it all.

She looked like a sleepy-eyed bitch.

dude i work in a kitchen and i cant help relating to all these damn people… except our “buzzard” walks out with cases of steaks. and everyone but me is ricky, but on drugs.

See you later…get a haircut.

I hope this dude doesn’t fuck it up in the end…

I laughed when ramsey said that

LMAO @ the old lady…“Sorry for the old bag”.

fuck i forgot about it

Yeah what a bitch she was, it’s likeshe just wanted to make a complete ass of herself on tv.

What’s up with that big meathead tonight? That dude Peter thinks he’s a freaking king and can’t see that he’s the problem with his restaurant and Gordon flipped his establishment around and he keeps fighting it.

This was the first episode… :confused:

This was the first episode? I didnt know that either. Doesnt matter since I missed it the first time. Good job Fox on your advertising campaign! I missed it the first time since I didn’t even know the show was coming on…

Anyone liking the american version over the uk? It seems more natural hearing Ramsay swear instead of the mores code like beeping in the us one.

It’s funny. Peter’s such a fake. But he’s a big, mean, scary fake that needs his sister to pour orange juice for him.

He used to inject steroids directly in his scrotum before his boys receded.

Kitchen Nightmares returns…now!!!

Oh damn I almost forgot tonight. Get hype! :rofl:

Wow. It starts today? Sweet. Cool, he’s going back to the restaurants of last season.

Thanks for reminding me guys :tup::bgrin:

Damn…I’m happy for Finn McCools’.
That’s success right there.

I wonder if Gordon still likes crab cakes?
