Kinf of FDighters MoBa game made by Dragonfly.
Kula, Ralph, Bao, Kasumi
Sion, Vanessa(?)
Looks like its based on LoL (brushes AD\AP Armor\Mres).
Kinf of FDighters MoBa game made by Dragonfly.
Kula, Ralph, Bao, Kasumi
Sion, Vanessa(?)
Looks like its based on LoL (brushes AD\AP Armor\Mres).
will this be canon in the kof world?
How you could justify Kyo with Kyoko cosplayer skin VS Kyo “1997” with Sho Kirishima skin?..
Oh yes… NESTS Saga…
I like this game more when it was a beat-em-up MMO.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
SNK, why are you getting into places you don’t belong?
Why couldn’t it at least be an action moba like awesomenauts or airmech or something. Why must all these games be based on point and click and (mostly) hitscan. whyyyyyyyyy.
Dragonfly just used system that showed that it works. There is enough execution in stutter-stepping, juking, landing skillshots and proper teamwork.
Its not like SNKPLAYMORE developing it directly.
Anyway, negative comments are actually a “reason why we can’t have nice things”.
They could have gone the Bloodline Champion route and straight up made 3v3 arena with the objective just to beat the other team 2/3, with KoF characters + their meter system from KoF XIII. WASD + mouse aiming, all skill shots no hitscan/auto targetting. 6 abilities, 1 “neo-max” and 2 EX moves.
That genre would fit KoF better than a MOBA and the characters and abilities would have been ported over a lot more naturally. That’s not something they would considered really, they want to ride on the success of LoL like the rest and try to strike gold or at the least make a quick buck.
Hi-Rez studios did this. They went from Global agenda; Sci-fi MMO shooter - didn’t really leave much of a impact, Tribes Ascend - a resurrection of a old school shooter and tried to push towards esports, did ok/well but didn’t strike gold.
Then came SMITE; their 3rd person MOBA featuring god’s of myth. Guess what? It blew up to crazy proportions. They’re featured in majors all over, shit loads of spectators, everything you’d expect from “esports”, and this was when they were in Beta, IIRC they’re still in Beta. Hi-Rez slowly stopped supporting after SMITE came around and then recently just dropped support for it’s previous title - Tribes Ascend. Tribes was only around for a YEAR.
At the very least, Hi-Rez tried to make something unique. This MOBA on the other hand, ugh there’s enough of them already between DoTA 2, LoL, and SMITE. Don’t know how HoN’s handling.
If it makes them money and allows them to fund towards their fighters then i’m perfectly cool with it and I can somewhat see the reasoning behind the decision coming from a struggling company. Just I don’t want to see another blatant LoL clone without much inspiration.
So basically KOF Ultimate Alliance
KoF MOBA, where every game
takes off shades
is a baht game
I’m probably way the fuck late on this but… Why not just do a fucking beat 'em up SNKP? Just do Dungeon Fighter where you play as Terry smacking punks. Done.
Maybe this will be used as a way to finance a new fighting game? I can hope right? But in all seriousness I don’t know what SNK is doing anymore… I hope it pays off for them and I hope I get some of the old SNK back. Good games and more IPs or maybe listen to some more fan feedback on what they would like to see in the future. I don’t know, I just don’t know anymore.
This game was originally a MMO beat-em-up.
Why does everyone try to copy aspects of Call of Duty, even when they’d be better served making an original product? Same shit. Chasing on foot after that cash train Riot is running, they won’t catch it.
Game looks like ass. Smite is cool, Dawngate is amazing so far. I pretty much don’t even check to see who’s on LoL when the Dawngate servers are up. And that only has like 17-18 champs so far.
Pretty much the TL;DR of my other post.
Though again to answer that question, they don’t want to catch it or even truly compete with other MoBAs; they just want to make a quick buck off the popularity.
Knowing that it used to be a Beat em up MMO even further solidifies this; whoever made that decision to switch to this knew that the MMO won’t make much money.
It’s no where even likely that they want to make this anywhere as good as lol or dota 2, trying to compete with either of them is like trying to compete with WoW with a subscription based MMO; not going to last long.
So unless there’s going to be some drastic changes to the point that it’s no longer a traditional MoBA or if the team is brilliant as fuck and somehow makes a MoBA game that can competitively stand next to LoL/dota 2 good fucking luck, i’d applaud if they even overtake HoN… I don’t see this as anything other than another blatant cash grab that’ll last a year or two at best.
Off topic;
Also dota being called a MoBA irks me lol. The genre should simply be called dota in respect to the original game, not something as broad as multiplayer online battle arena. There’s games out there being classified as a MoBA when they’re nothing like the dota games objectively. I know this was coined by LoL devs… but yeah it’s irking lol.