King of Fighters double pack - When is it released for UK?

I was speaking to my friend at a games shop about getting SFAC a few days early (under the counter sale) if possible and he pointed out to me that KOF is out for xbox the same day. If this is true then it will be totaly awsome to have 2 collections on the same day. I am not sure wether this is true or not and have already checked out amazon, game and a few other sites and none of them mention or advertise anything as such.

The reason I post this is because knowing the nature of the video games business I wouldnt be surprised if SNK (ignition) release the game on the same day as AC so they can go head to head in sales.


PS - I just checked out an industry only sight and they have it listed for november release

I thought they were only releasing it here I now the US release date is now next year I don’t think they had a europe release date.

As far as I know its defnetley gonna make it to europe by november

The 00/01 pack is schedueled to be released on 14:th Novemeber, the same day as Deception is hitting us.
Although, I haven’t heard anything about live support.


Here you go dude its all the info i could find but its going to be 15 quid thats Cheap!!! :party:

Cheers cod, you da man

I’ve found a few places saying 4th Jan for the 02/03 double pack, priced around 25 - sounds like a good deal. Wonder if it will be live?

The KOF 2002/2003 double pack will most likely support xbox Live! :tup: It will be fantastic…