King Frame Data

Here it is, straight out of the Brady guide, which I’m hoping is OK since I’ve seen frame data from the guide posted elsewhere on SRK. Mods, if it isn’t OK to post this, please feel free delete this thread. I encourage everyone to buy the guide, it’s quite excellently done.

This should all be accurate to the guide, but it’s possible that a few typos slipped through here or there. If you see anything wrong, please let me know and I’ll get it fixed.

Note: Keep in mind that SFxT uses the Tekken definition of “Mid”, meaning an attack that must be blocked standing. Street Fighter players, you can mentally substitute “Overhead” wherever you see “Mid”.

Standing attacks:

Move   Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit  On Block  Cancelable  Notes
st.LP  High  30   5        2       9         +6      +2        S,EX,SA,CA  -
st.MP  High  60   6        3       17        +1      -3        S,EX,SA,CA  -
st.HP  High  90   15       2       21        +2      -3        -           -
st.LK  Low   30   6        3       11        +3      -1        -           -
st.MK  High  60   8        3       15        +3      -1        -           -
st.HK  High  90   12       4       25        -4      -9        -           Airborne frames 5-22

Close standing attacks:

Move    Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit  On Block  Cancelable  Notes
cl.LP   High  30   4        3       10        +4       0        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cl.MP   High  60   6        4       14        +5      -1        S,EX,SA,CA  Forces standing on hit
cl.HP   High  90   8        5       23        -3      -8        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cl.LK   High  30   5        3       10        +4       0        -           -
cl.MK   High  60   7        3       18         0      -4        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cl.HK   High  90   7        3       20        +2      -3        -           -

Crouching attacks:

Move   Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit    On Block  Cancelable  Notes
cr.LP  High  30   4        2       8         +7        +3        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cr.MP  High  60   6        3       16        +2        -2        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cr.HP  High  90   8        4       25        -3        -9        S,EX,SA,CA  Forces standing on hit
cr.LK  Low   30   6        3       11        +3        -1        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cr.MK  Low   60   8        3       18         0        -4        S,EX,SA,CA  -
cr.HK  Low   90   12       3       31        Sweep KD  -14       -           Airborne frames 6-16

Neutral jumping attacks:

Move    Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit  On Block  Cancelable  Notes
nj.LP   Mid   40   4        6       -         +12     +4        -           -
nj.MP   Mid   70   6        4       -         +16     +5        -           -
nj.HP   Mid   100  7        4       -         +20     +8        -           -
nj.LK   Mid   40   5        9       -         +12     +4        -           -
nj.MK   Mid   70   7        10      -         +16     +5        -           -
nj.HK   Mid   100  7        2       -         +20     +8        -           -

Diagonal jumping attacks:

Move    Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit  On Block  Cancelable  Notes
j.LP    Mid   40   5        7       -         +12     +4        -           -
j.MP    Mid   70   6        14      -         +16     +5        -           -
j.HP    Mid   100  8        8       -         +20     +8        -           -
j.LK    Mid   40   5        7       -         +12     +4        -           -
j.MK    Mid   70   6        4       -         +16     +5        -           -
j.HK    Mid   100  7        12      -         +20     +8        -           -

Unique attacks & misc:

Move          Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit    On Block  Cancelable  Notes
u/f+MK        High  80   10       2       19        Floats    -4        -           Airborne frames 1-15
B+MK          High  90   15       2       21        -1        -6        -           Crumples on CH; KD on airborne foes
F+LK+MP       High  110  22       3       25        Hard KD   -6        -           Armor frames 1-24; wall bounce on CH
F+LP+MK       Unbl. 110  50       8       64        Hard KD   -         -           Airborne frames 39-57
Launcher      High  100  13       2       54        Switch    -34       -           Low-invincible
Alpha Counter High  120  10       3       25        Hard KD   -6        -           Full-body invincible frames 1-13

Target combo:

Move        Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit  On Block  Cancelable  Notes
F+MP        High  60   4        2       15        +4      +1        -           KD on airborne foes
F+MP,MP     High  60   6        2       16        +3       0        -           KD on airborne foes
F+MP,MP,MP  Mid   80   12       2       22        +9      -4        -           Ground bounce on CH; KD on airborne foes


Move        Type  Dmg  Startup  Active  Recovery
F/N+LP+LK   Throw 130  7        2       20
B+LP+LK     Throw 130  7        2       20

Special moves:

Move      Type        Dmg        Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit    On Block  Cancelable  Notes
F+PP      Counter     170        -        -       53        Hard KD   -         -           Counters air attacks frames 1-17
F+KK      Counter     170        -        -       53        Hard KD   -         -           Counters high and Mid standing attacks frames 1-17
DP+LP     Air Throw   150        12       2       27        Hard KD   -         -           -
DP+MP     Air Throw   160        14       2       31        Hard KD   -         -           -
DP+HP     Air Throw   170        16       2       39        Hard KD   -         -           -
DP+PP     Air Throw   200        13       2       24        Hard KD   -         -           Upper-body strike invincible frames 1-14
DP+LK     High        50         12       3       16        +3        -2        -           Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+MK     High        60         14       3       20        -1        -6        -           Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+HK     High        70         16       3       23        -4        -9        -           Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+KK     High        100        11       3       11        +12       +3        -           Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DDT       -           90         -        -       -         Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+LP    Hi Throw    250        18       2       33        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+MP    Hi Throw    230        18       2       39        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+HP    Hi Throw    210        18       2       39        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+PP    Hi Throw    230        19       2       32        Hard KD   -         -           Full-body strike invincible frames 1-20
HCF+LK    Lo Throw    200        18       2       24        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+MK    Lo Throw    180        18       2       27        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+HK    Lo Throw    170        18       2       30        Hard KD   -         -           -
HCF+KK    Lo Throw    180        19       2       23        Hard KD   -         -           Full-body strike invincible frames 1-20
QCB+P     High        20,110     17       5       23        Hard KD   -11       -           Super charge (51 frames for EX, 100 frames for SA)
QCB+PP    High        20,50,100  13       5       23        Hard KD   -11       -           Super charge (51 frames for SA), full-body invincible frames 3-12

Jaguar Step:

Move      Type        Dmg        Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit    On Block  Cancelable  Notes
KK        -           -          -        -       33        -         -         -           Full-body invincible frames 7-23; follow-up inputs taken frames 8-27; followup performed on frame 28
KK->LP    High        70         15       3       23        +7        -9        -           Full-body invincible frames 1-8
KK->MP    Mid         80         24       3       24        Gr.Bounce -10       -           Full-body invincible frames 1-10; airborne frames 1-26
KK->K     Low         140        24       3       25        Hard KD   -11       -           Full-body invincible frames 1-10

Super Art/Cross Art:

Move      Type    Dmg          Startup  Active  Recovery  On Hit    On Block  Notes
QCB+PPP   High    20,90,90,100 12/26    5       22        Hard KD   -10       Full body invincible on frame 1; up to 14 frames of running during startup; full-body invincible frames 1-10 of close proximity strike
-> QCB+P  -       138          -        -       -         Hard KD   -         Replaces last hit of Super Art
QCF+MP+MK High    100          9        2       31        Switch    -10       Full-body invincible frames 1-9


thanks for the work !

I didn’t know cl.:mp: forced standing because it whiffs on crouching usually. So I compiled a list of characters that cl.:mp: hits on crouching.

Hugo (Jag Knee actually hits him crouching anyways, so there is never a need to force stand on Hugo)

So 10/38, (More if you count Toro, Kuro, and Cole, which cl.:mp: whiffs on crouching).

Newb questions about frame data:

So on hit a cr.lp ‘stuns’ longer than

If cr.hp is blocked i can get hit if my opponent counter attacks with something that has less than a 9 frame startup?

The amount of hitstun (which is largely useless information) may be greater on the, but the cr.lp gives you more frame advantage afterwards, yes.

Yes. Basically anything -4 or greater is a free punish opportunity for most of the cast if the other player is paying attention (even -3 for a few characters). Once you get into -10 territory you start getting into really powerful punishes.

ok so i know you cannot throw someone who is in block stun or hit stun. Hit stun on kings cr lp is recovery frames (8) plus frame advantage (7) = 15 add in active frames to accommodate of the different points your cr. lp can hit (2) =17 …what doesn’t make sense is that my HCF+HP Hi Throw starts up in 18 yet if i cancel into it my hand just go through my opponent :(…

(emphasis mine)

I could be wrong here, but doesn’t canceling a move mean you’re canceling its recovery frames? If this is the case, they’ll still be in hitstun when your throw enters its active frames.

yes it does mean you cancel the recovery frames for king although the opponent still goes through the total hit stun. You have to cancel during kings active frames which means the only question is whether or not the opponent is in hit stun during your active frames. Based on my computation the opponent is not because the start up frame of giant swing is so long, yet it doesn’t connect.