Kim Strategy and Matchups

the thing about standing fierce, is that the opponent has to be standing, or a big character… and on top of that, standing fierce does less damage and stunn than

tru dat

not much of anybody playing this. nonetheless playing kim. and yea i did mean hk lol

I use K groove Kim and I find him ok

I use Kim as my First character in N just to build meter and rushdown. I like the cr.short, cr.short, StompXX super.

I do cr.short,cr.jab,cr.jab,cr.forward, qcb+forward or Rh = Good cross over combo without meter as well as guard break string. Im having trouble with Cr. Forward rush super. N groove goodness activated J.Fierce, land, cr. forward, qcfx2+K, Sj.FierceXXairsuper. Its not really worth it, at least i dont think so but it will get you brownie points

I wanna know if anyone here does A Kim R1 for pokey/rushdown/battery. I’m seriously considering replacing A Vega for A Kim for my first R1 character.

If you are already good with Vega I’d stick with Vega. I personally can’t play Kim without running.

cool shit i just did:
KIm in CvS2: many people know that Kim’s combo {d.short d.short d.short s.short XX super} is difficult to do. one major reason is that you can’t short cut the super motion ie: d.short d.short d.short qcb+short half circle forward+roundhouse. soo no matter how hard you try you keep getting short short short flipkick.

if you do THIS however, you wont ever get a flipkick and the super will always come out. I don’t know why capcom did this(later I’m gonna test it with joe and kyo and all those snk guys)

ok, the UBER EASY way to do shortx3 s.shortXXsuper with kim:

d.shortx3(can be downback or down or downforward). s.shortXXhcf+roundhouse.
this combo is UBEEEERRRRR easy. dee will never mess this up.


there is not much timing required between the shorts either which is great! the only thing that is hard is cancelling s.short to super. very small window there.

lol poor Kim…he’s glitchable check this video on the tech glitches…


It’s a random thing…lol

i probably missed it but what his best hop attack?

qcf, uf + HP, hcb + RH against tall people is hilarious.
Instant overhead to super is XD

You mean from a short jump?

-short j.roundhouse. You can crossup with it and use it like sagat’s far short j.rh

  • short j.jab/strong easier to crossup with from a short jump

kim can trade/whiff punish and i think randomly stuff sakuras s.:hk: with his s.:mk:

video example in this match at 0:48 and 1:00: [media=youtube]haM1F4z232M[/media]

i dont really play kim so please excuse all the missed links =/