Me and my cousin would stay up all night playing this. Cinder was that nigga though, and we couldn’t get over the fact that Orchid’s breasts were sharper than her weapons.
I’m quite glad to see that there’s still fans of this game out there… this was my favorite fighter when I was a kid. The music, the combo system and the announcer were just so fucking hype — I would sneak out night while everyone was asleep just to play it, as an attempt to get better at it than my cousins haha. It’s the game that gave me love for fighters. I’ve been having Killer Instinct nostalgia lately, most eager to see it make its return at some point.
Hopefully the desire of seeing a new iteratin of this title won’t remain a wish. I would really like to play as Jago, Glacius and Spinal again.
Yeah, KI2 got so much play in my neighborhood. Kim Wu was my girl man. Nothing gave me more satisfaction than a well earned combo breaker just cuz it screamed that shit so everyone around the cabinet knew it.
It came out somewhere that they started some work on Killer Instinct 3 right after Killer Instinct 2, but I guess it got shelved for whatever reason. Rare never confirms or denies plans to release a KI3, meaning they have been busting my balls for literally 15 years.
If you follow the @RareLtd twitter, it still gets mentioned from time to time. And the guy who writes mosts updates and does the web stuff was also the guy that wrote the story for KI (and pretty much all of Rare’s games and in-game text).
Rare was bought by microsoft i read a few years back trying to find if Killer instinct would ever make it to xboxlive arcade or psn…they now make avatar hats and shoes and kinetic games …it would be nice if they outsources the KI license to someone, but if Microsofts there over lord, i dont see them giving a shit…
I must say, I’m so glad to find KI fans on this forum! :'D
Killer Instinct is a… major part of my childhood, actually. It was my second fighting game (after SFII Turbo), and my Dad was really into it. Gosh, I was such a button masher back then, too. I was only about five or six, though; I couldn’t have expected to be able to use Jago’s fireball if I couldn’t use Ryu’s. All I could to was Orchid’s flik-flak~ My Pop used to wipe the floor with me (or knock me off the stage at any given opportunity). Good times.
It’s kinda hard to believe I recently beat KI: Gold on Hard. All that progress from being a button masher to actually beating the game on a difficulty even my FG-loving father couldn’t beat it on is a nice feeling. [S]Also, being able to give Papa a taste of his own medicine is nice, too.[/S]
I really hope RARE sells the rights to a good studio and we get a multiplatform KI3. I would love to see Cinder, Jago, Glacius, B. Orchid in glorious Hi Def Next Gen graphics running at 60 FPS!
I really love KI in all it’s broken glory, I wish a community would band together on Kaillera or Sweet-Talking damdai into finding a game writer to help him port games like KI and Mortal Kombat to supercade.
I mean they can release some random doujin fighter on xbox 360 for $40 that no one hardly has heard of but no KI3??? With all the new fighting games that have come out in the past 3 years I don’t see how this hasn’t happened. Easy money maker too.
There wouldn’t be enough support alot of people loved the game but the competitive community knows what it boils down to in previous games and it starts to become less and less fun and more and more broken. If they could manage similar gameplay and balance the game so it’s not so broken while keeping the same things that made us love it, It would be great but I don’t see it happening tien.