A shot in the dark I figure, but worth a try…
Are there any good KI players out there? I wish I could get together with other players and go at it. Playing against the computer and with a sorry ass player my friend is isn’t that much fun. South Florida area gamers out there?
Sorry, I’m all the way in Kansas.
Hey, what city in Florida are you talking about? I’m in Jacksonville and unfortunately we don’t have KI but I played the hell out of it when it came out. I have it for SNES but it’s not the same and I have KI Gold which I play. I’m pretty good but I wasn’t able to find anyone who knows where in Florida does there exist a KI machine. Last time I tried this, my thread got closed.
I so miss that game:o
Well, I was talking about the South Florida area. It’s really hard to find a KI machine these days. Last time I saw one was at the local mall, but that arcade got shut down and turned into another women’s shoe store (wtf?)… Emulation is the only way I play both games now.