Found what appears to be a 4f safe jump vs. quick rise:
Cr.HP(2) xx LP headbutt (whiff) > neutral jump > late j.LK
You have time to spot their wakeup option in the air; if they backrise skip the j.LK and go for cr.MP instead once you land (beats 3f jabs although IDK if itâs a real meaty).
I think Urienâs favorable/unfavorable MUs may look vaguely similar to Simâs (since they are both space control characters with poor up close defenses), but Urien has a lot more comeback potential which I think will ease up some of the bad matchups a bit.
itâs well known that f+mp can cancel, if youâre fast you can even cancel into tackle
EX tackle is VT cancelable, so you can get some great long range whiff punishes on f+mp xx ex tackle (one hit) xx VT
f+mp > f+hp target combo only combos into VT cancel on first activation. the second aegis will not combo out of the target combo
Off a forward or back throw? If they quick rise or back rise the can punish your dash attempt with jab. I canât even call it a risk itâs so brain dead easy to do. Other than that, his active frames seem low in St.Mk. That, as of right now, is Urienâs only other worthwhile meaty option in my opinion.
c.hp xx hp headbutt is safe on block and has a lot of movement. great for pushing your opponent into the corner (hit confirm the c.hp into headbutt on block or hp ball on hit)
if you charge buffer really well you can have charge for a headbutt after a dash > c.hp
Another meaty set-up after c.HPxxFireball combo: Dash + wiff light punch + st. Hard Punch (Fully Charged)
Must immediately cancel the 2nd hit of c.HP into Fireball to get a head start for the dash/meaty set-up or else the charged hp will be countered.
if you throw into a high aegis you can get 2 ex headbutts to connect, and follow up with ex tackle if you wanted. not really that useful by itself, but might lead to tech.
he has options off of throw with v trigger or meter:
Throw and opponent quickrises:
Bhk xx v trigger gives full combo on hit or CC and does nothing on wiff if the opponent doesnât quickrise.
throw without v trigger gives a âmixupâ between immediate ex tackle:
+0 on block beats 3 frame jabsâŚKD on hit, immediate st.hp on hit ex tackle breaks quickrise AND back recovery for 4 frame moves. But loses to 3 framers.
To beat 3 framers after the ex tackle you have to take a risk and use lk chariot which is a bad idea. Or do another ex tackle which will put them back in the same situation. Or time a CH> xx special or do a meaty crouch fierce which is minus 8 on block so you will have to cancel into special or v trigger.
The isnât hard with timing
Best overall followup is another ex tackle as that takes any and all guess work out whether they backrise or quickrise with a 3 or 4 frame move.
Same ex tackle oki can apply to hk tackle>wiff jab> ex tackle oki.
Iâm busy ATM so I canât take these into to much depth but thatâs enough to get us started.
Good info, but whatâs the point of going for BHK->vtrigger after a throw? It loses to 3f jabs (at least Ryuâs) and since dashing forward after a throw leaves Urien negative thereâs not much reason for your opponent not to block. Iâd rather go for LP fireball since it beats 3f jabs and serves the same purpose of locking your opponent in place, even if it doesnât lead to anything.