Unless Aegis (or something similar) is his V-Trigger but can be performed many times (similar to Alex’s V-Trigger), we won’t see multiple Aegis’ on screen. It’s quite likely it’ll be a V-Trigger or CA, and not be performable multiple times upon activation. Personally, I think most CAs are not utility based but are used for damage and cinematic value, so my hunch is on Aegis not being a CA.
He could end up getting his old Super Arts as EX moves, like Ryu, Ken and Alex have, probably for EX Metallic Sphere and EX Chariot Tackle?
Weren’t all his supers motion in 3S anyway? He’ll probay just be the same character fundamentally just a few changes to make him fit the SFV system and not be busted
The best part about 3S was that he was still only mid tier even though he had busted stuff. Well really Aegis was the only thing busted about him. If it wasn’t for Aegis and no absolute guard he would be lower tier like he was in 2I and pretty honest overall.
Aegis as a CA would be dumb. Aside from Sim’s potential mixup, CAs are just raw damage and they should keep it that way so there is uniformity. V-trigger is where they can mix it up. Rashid’s is pretty lame though so if Aegis is anything like that… it would suck.
aigis is gonna be v trigger and work exactly like rashids except it wont move forward but it will have aditional damage and juggle potential so it will only be useful on confirm ofc.
He is going to be tough to balance. I definetly feel that he has the potential to be powerful in 5 if they keep his moveset though. In 3s the only thing that good about him was aegis since other zoning tools like longe range pokes and a fireball weren’t good in general in 3s. Also knee dive also could be strong if they keep it where he is pluss if he hits them on the toes. And aegis could go either way. It might be ridiculously cheap giving a potentially high damage character a 50/50 mixup that leads to high damage. But they could balance it by giving extra scaling (i hope not as bad as ryu) or make it so he only gets 1 aegis (i hope not since it is only useful in the corner.
Urien is going to be hard to balance? Compared to what? Zangief vs Fang? Laura vs Chun? Nash vs Bison?
The game already is in need to rebalancing. Snowballing this idea that hes going to steamroll the cast because he has an air fireball lol…this is how you make devs overreact and nerf the shit out of characters. We already had 50/50 blender setups with Mika and shes still mid tier.
Look at beta Bison.
Please. Let Urien be great. The character is already doomed and he doesnt come out until the end of the summer.