KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

nothing is confirmed… based on the the assumption that they will be releasing characters from the way this picture is layed out Guile is next.

Urien’s voice is the same voice after that did Gannon’s voice in the 1989 Zelda cartoon…

You think Gill will be in SF Vee?

No, that was Len Carlson. He played Q and Hugo. Urien was voiced by Lawrence Bayne. He played Inka Dinka Doo on Donkey Kong Country.

What the hell is that? Tickets to the Dingaling Bros. Circus sounds really suspect.

[quote=“Fretless94, post:203, topic:177214”]

No, that was Len Carlson. He played Q and Hugo. Urien was voiced by Lawrence Bayne. He played Inka Dinka Doo on Donkey Kong Country.


Jesus christ this show is so cringe

I never played 3S but for some reason Urien is what i am looking forward to the most

You’re eagerly awaiting the bulge physics. It’s ok, we all are.

Can you imagine it being like pre-patch Chun Li on the select screen?

Or swapping moves with Mika a’ la Hot Ryu.

Holy crap. Just watched the videos. If he plays like that in SFV. He’ll be too good.

sans the unblockables :stuck_out_tongue:

Well if he’s only 2nd Impact good that still isn’t bad.

Imo his v trigger should be 3 bars. That way we could do multiple aegis reflectors instead of just 1 sort of like giefa. Also i think his AA fireball would be too good if they left it alone so i think you should only be able to do it in V trigger

I actually wonder if Urien will keep his projectile or gets rid of it entirely. I saw several competitive 3S events where Urien was used and the fireball doesn’t really do much for his game aside from antiairing. They could theoretically make it his V-Skill (instead of the hop Overhead he has in 3S), and while you’re shooting said fireball - you have enough time to charge up Shoulder Tackle, given you can juggle after AA’ing an opponent with the fireball

Fireball would be way better in this game and a big loss if he didn’t have it.

It feels like everyone here has gone everywhere with Urien. Since Alex and Guile (soon) how bout we use them as a base for what sort of path they might take? Like Alex for instance practically has all his moves, only with different properties.

So, instead of thinking they might change him competely he’ll probably retain all his moves in some form or another. Like his fireballs will still be fireballs, but maybe they recover slower or move slower is all. His SAs could just become EX moves like Alex and his CA would be something new.

I’m no Urien bulge cupper though, so maybe you nerds can explain what sort of changes will happen if you use Alex/Guile as the base for change.

He’s gonna have Aegis and some other things. Things not as important as Aegis.

Given there wont be any charge partitioning, I see them changing his tackle to a motion like qcf (simsilar to nash changes) or his headbutt to a qcb like gill in 3s. Also, given the dash speed, I see no reason why they don’t put in his upward fireball in(*credit to Duggish). I could see his Vtrigger including parry like Alex’s. His Vtrigger shoud be aegis I think, I want at least 2 bars to trap people between them. Also, no bulge cupping here either but, keep his suit on until Vtrigger then flex out of it as previously mentioned! CAPCOM… that would be DOPE!

Bulge not important as Aegis?

Aegis as a CA affected by being in V-trigger or not.