WatCnBrwnDo4U - Orchid
Gamertag: DecoyBull
Xbox One GT: Eirokaj
Location: United States
Main: Sadira
Looking for fellow KI players to play with. Please, please save me from having to fight randoms. Lol!
If anyone’s interested and in the NYC area I’m starting a Facebook group to Meetup for some local KI sparring. More info coming soon!
Hello all. Just started playing a few weeks ago. My main is Rash but I and trying to learn Maya and Sadira.
Please feel free to add me my gamertag is Usedtobezylem. Please message me that you are from these forums. Since Xbox does not send out notices to the person being added. I am always interested in meeting new people and trying to help each other out.
Does anyone from here play?