I’m a TJ player if you need help learning
GT - SudaFights
I’m a TJ player if you need help learning
GT - SudaFights
GT: Virus916
OodarkblightoO looking for serious competition, please no tea baggers, raggers, or taunters.
g0th1cycle Sadira main
Jago Thunder Omen Orchid
stylishdante777… jago/thunder/spinal
GT: Swoltacular
Previous SF4 player looking to play KI a lot now, only have invested 15ish hours in and haven’t decided my main yet. Considering Kan Ra, Aganos or Omen. I’m a beginner and am looking for people of equal skill level and those of higher skill level who don’t mind helping with tips and practice, especially if you’re experienced with one of the characters I like.
Just picked the game up recently. Been in the dojo and the story mode mainly. Trying to get the combo system down. Learning Jago at the moment but will probably attempt to learn Hisako when she’s available
GT: RickyOrtizPurse
GT: Eijiken
Aganos, Sadira, Omen, pocket Kan-Ra player.
Ordered from best to meh (Sadira is my best when I’m using pad)
I got the game three weeks ago and working on TJ Combo. My username is LkChubrock
Hey there. Heavygee (knigrowedamus)
Add me for some games. I play the wolf
GT: Fatty Winnarz
I live in CT so east coast, preferably New England/New York would be best, but I’ll play whoever. I’m trying to main Thunder currently.
GT: RndmDP Rome , Europe - Orchid, Hisako, Glacius, … maybe Cinder soon
I play TJ and Cinder as well as a shitty Orchid and and even shittier Jago.
If anybody wants to add me for some KI action here’s my XBL Tag: Vader Fett 1
Just lemme know you’re from the SRK forums when you add me.
My tag is eastyy …over in ireland here so not sure how good the net code is over a distance
Is OP even active anymore? Nigga still hasn’t added my tag to the list on the first page.
GT: JINXHAND. I’m in San Diego. Kan-Ra main, but I dabble with Omen and Glacius.
Chief Rekka. Thunder main, not very good, but looking to get better. NYC.
jrrronimo on XBL (3 r’s, not 2 like everywhere else. Long story.) I’m in Longmont, Colorado, USA.
I main Orchid (at least until Kim Wu comes out), with the occasional Jago. One day I’ll learn a different character! One day…
I played more KI2 than is likely healthy, and bought my XBO for Killer Instinct specifically. It’s different, but in a good way. Hope to play some of you!