KI coming to Windows 10 w/XB1 Crossplay. Season 3 starts March 2016

Oh wow I never expect MS would allow KI to move to PC.
I wonder if a PC port would keep this ship from sinking.

With no excuse not having a system to play the new KI on I wonder if it be worth my time to download.

Microsoft basically is PC (other than Apple) so I figured it would happen eventually. Figures it’s on Windows 10 and not Steam.

The game was doing fine sales wise on Xbone, but as far as the competitive community goes the PC port is probably the only thing that will give KI a chance to be at Evo again. That’s pretty certain.

Yeah that’s why I like the game. The combo breaker/counter breaker mind games remind me a lot of the mind games in 3S. There’s always something in play outside of the neutral during every combo.

No word yet. Probably not going to come out soon enough to keep me from buying another Xbone before it hits. Had to sell my Xbone to get a PS4 for the SFV beta and I doubt I’ll be able to wait that long to play KI again. Just gonna have to scrounge up somehow and get another box. That way I’ll have PS4, Xbone and a solid PC. Platform wars are for poor people LOL

Was gonna get KI for PC but found out my CPU’s Graphics card is old as dirt so can’t run windows 10.Can’t even change the damn thing because its built into the mother board.And I’m not buying The one just to play KI.Might just build a gaming pc for more options

Check out cyberpower PCs
Mine is a little over a year old and still able to max out graphics and keep solid frame rates online.
I’m eagerly awaiting KI as well and my PC has already started some win 10 updates.

part of me doesnt want to wait.
you think even if KI got another season that it wouldn’t be at evo again? KI is one of the only games ive actually watched the finals of at each evo.

It’s like really 50/50 ATM. Basically right after Evo ended rumors and words were flying around. Some people figuring that it might and others including Mr.Wizard basically stating that the small percentage increase in players from last year (we really only got like 60 more people than last year) would make it unlikely that it would make another year. Mr.Wizard supposedly gave the game a pass last year because he liked the idea of the Seasonal content, but now he’s just looking at turnout I think.

I think the PC port may help though as if it runs well it would get both the Xbox One and PC people on the same page playing the game which would easily expand the player base and get more people interested. The only issue from there is that things would get rather expensive for a PC player that uses arcade stick as they’d have to get their stick modded for Xbone. Which means they might as well get it modded for PS4 since SFV and other PS4 fighting game are surely coming. A pad using PC player can just buy an Xbone or PS4 controller and should be good tho. They are definitely not going to be running the PC version of the game at tournaments so that issue would have to be overcome.

I think part of the lack of increase was due to some of the veteran players getting really fed up with how much the game changed. The game went from getting maybe 2 or 3 real hot fix patches for all of Season 1 to a game that was getting regular patches every month with each update. That kept some top players like Alex Valle from being able to adjust while he was already juggling other games. They need to find a better balance for Season 3 to keep people from losing their minds and feeling more comfortable.

We’ll see. The opportunity is still there especially if the PC release gets here before Spring. If the PC release takes too long it may be tough as the Xbox One player base isn’t going to expand much more and will rely on those with the PC version to boost the competitive player base. The PC cross play still runs the risk of bringing in a bunch of people who only play online and may not enter the game offline at majors due to needing an Xbox One controller/stick. The player base would really have to grind for an answer to that logistic issue. Which would only expand the online player base and not the offline base like Mr.Wizard would be looking for.

Wow thanks for the heads up.Was gonna just go onto new egg and take suggestions from top rated YT videos on the matter.but this site makes it hella easier for me.:slight_smile:

How are things at events outside evo? other regional events and what not.
Also does msoft push the game at all by adding to pots and stuff?

I’ve always planned on getting into the game once i got an xbox one. When they cancelled phantom dust i was really crushed and that kind of destroyed my plan to get one (i played a lot of pdust on xbox). I wonder now if it’ll be dying by the time I get a chance to play it…

Basically it’s not a super mainstream game so there pretty much is no local/weekly turnout for the game like a SFV would have.

Regional/Major turnout is really good at some tournaments and flaky at others. It usually tends to depend on whether or not there’s a pot bonus and how long ago the last big major was. Combo Breaker had 10,000 dollar pot bonus and got like over 100 people to sign up. Then CEO happened after and even though that had like a 15K pot bonus, it was right after a big major and didn’t have as big turnout.

I think Season 3 and PC port will keep enough content coming to keep people interested and wanting to play the next season. If the game was doing to die I think it would have died already. The game started out as a 6 character game on an expensive system and there was way more doom and gloom about the game back then. People were surprised the game even made it to Evo in Season 1 and figured it would die on its first year. It held on so I think we have reason to stay around.

The netcode also gives the game a special benefit of people being able to successfully participate in regular online tournaments and the biggest streamers for the game usually pull out around 100 to 200 views regularly. Worst case scenario the game will always have a solid online scene which can’t be said about most other mainstream fighting game even.

cough cough
hack cough

I tried this last night and it was fun.

Do I seriously need windows 10 to run KI?
If so then it’s the same problem I had with it being Xbox One exclusive.
No fucking way am I gonna get windows 10 early.

“We want people to get Windows 10. Therefore we give away Killer Instict for free if you get it. Also we will give Solitaire ads that you can pay to get rid of*, because fuck casual gamers and grandparents, go hardcores.”

If Microsoft Marketing had said this openly, I would get Win10 on the spot and ignore the fact that they’re just stupid / greedy.

  • I’m not kidding, they actually did that.

Season 3 coming to PC and XB1 in March.

Reading this now boggles my mind - so was the story that Microsoft didn’t allow Capcom’s SF5 to have cross-play bullshit all along?

Ive never heard that story ever

Who knows, I doubt MS would have any issues with crossplay based on their plans for Windows 10 and X1 games, maybe Capcom was pushing for PS4/PC/X1 crossplay, which would never happen.

More likely Capcom was broke and approached Sony first, and it was mutually beneficial for both: Capcom gets to make SFV and Sony instantly pulls the FGC over to their console on 1 game alone. Based on how crappy PS3/PSN was for Capcom games in general, smart move on their part, XBL is still better than PSN, Killer Instinct and SFV on X1…and now the potential of BC fighting games, that woulda been rough on Sony in the FG market.

Hori just made it a little easier with an official X1/PC stick, so now there are like… 2 sticks that should work with the X1? But there is still the PS4 problem. I’ve been stuck over the last few weeks wishing there was a universal stick I could main at home on PC but still use at tournaments if I wanted to go. mkx and sfv on ps4 and ki on x1 and me on pc is just an unholy combination.

Nothing beats that hometown push in Iron Galaxy and Netherrealm’s backyard, lol. probably the only location where MKX numbers will rival Street Fighter’s numbers.

I’m curious if this means the PC version in general isn;t out until March, or if they will release season one and two first.

This is so freaking cool, lol!
Rash looks crazy and so much nostalgia flowing in this video.

I’m totally done for KI on PC, which I will buy. BUT I have to be completely honest 95% of my time will be on SF5.
I wish this game was coming out sooner for PC. I guess I understand that PS guys will have SF5 and Xone guys will have KI, PC dudes will just have to choose what they want to play.
I’d like to know how much the game is going to cost too.
I mean KI is free but you buy individual characters for $5
Combo break pack was $20 for 8 characters right?
Think they’ll release a full game season 1 and 2 for $60 on PC?
I personally want all the characters and would want all season 3 as well. Just want the developers to grant some clarification on all this.