Ken Video Thread: "Phew! I bet that would make for one exciting replay!"

Standing jab still links to TC1 without CH.

Oh, well that just makes everything easier. Think I got confused with a Ryu jab combo?

some momochi, chris t, xaiah ken if anyone is interested. i can post more if people want to see them. i watch a lot of ken replays and try to study them.

I cant seem to find momochis replays on ps4

Momochi is Shinobism114 (I think that’s the number) on PS4, but he’s been playing other characters lately, still should find some of his Ken matches.

Ken mirror vs Number 1 Ranked Ken.

I was happy with myself till I did research and found he’s only that high cos he ragequits lol smh :lol:

really like that style, I should incorporate some of that stuff into my play :stuck_out_tongue: I still play more like an aggressive Ryu than anything

Solid Ken man, you’ll rank up in no time…great match!

Also there should be Kens default hair color, it looks sick like that.

Here’s a session of my Ken. It’s long. So just pick some fights that you see & please give me solid critique. I NEED it. I’m trying to grind it out so that I can compete offline. I already know some of my personal problems but I need to hear from you all other things that I’m not seeing or picking up on.

Watched the first 2 minutes and the first words of critique I can offer to you are that you just need to step back and think a little more. You do a lot of weird things and habitual button presses by the looks of it. To get a better idea of this, let’s quickly check out what I mean

Game one -
Lots of F+HK from you, don’t use this move so much. It’s meant for a surprise or a meaty set-up as opposed to simply covering ground and moving forward.

Charlie does F+HP and whiffs, stand still and sweep as a response. What were you hoping for? That would just lead to a whiff punish in most cases.

Point blank sweep from you after a jump-in, it goes unpunished but you lose all of your pressure for something completely unnecessary.

Another jump-in, it’s obvious at this point the Charlie being played against can’t anti-air so I can understand your desire to jump a lot in this match. However, you land into full TC1 into EX shoryuken…on block? Confirm that shit my man, you had a ton of time to see if it was blocked after

round one ends.

Next round, suddenly this Charlie remembers how to play the game and starts applying a little bit of pressure. You started to press b+mp into full TC1 with ender after a lot of button presses which isn’t a bad idea for sure, but part of me thinks these were all luckily hitting and that you were going to do what you did on hit or on block. You need to have a pro-active approach to confirming your TCs, it’s one of the characters main attributes.

Small annoyance, but you got the air reset vs. the Charlie and did a double jab into fireball and did that again shortly after - SF4 syndrome for sure I can see, I do it too sometimes out of pure habit. Make sure you’re jumping into some or your strong buttons, or even a fierce to get a frame trap otherwise you’re just pushing yourself out of range to pressure.

**General advice just from seeing game one?
Work on anti-airs, I didn’t see a single one, MP DP to anti-air needs to be on lock as a shoto player.

Work on hit-confirming, need to keep your brain ready to react properly to certain scenarios, don’t just cancel into whatever and ignore the fact that they block because most players are going to hit you for 40% when you come down from that SRK. TC1/TC2 are your biggest hit confirm tools, as well as x cr.lp, train them.

Punishes, you missed a lot of opportunities for some big damage vs. the Charlie, he did a ton of unsafe stuff. Sweeps, sonic scythes, even f+hp on block is punished by EX tatsu and he used that button a bunch. This comes down to knowing your frame data more than anything, an almost universal rule however is that if someone sweeps you and you block they’re punishable, so punish hard. EX tatsu them into the corner.**

If you’re aiming to compete offline you gotta step your game up by a wide margin, any semblance of a gameplan was unclear to me through watching the first match, it just looked like a scramble.

Moving onto game two vs. the Vega, super hard match up IMO so lets see how it goes.

Immediately I can see you’re very patient in this match-up, you’re standing at Vega’s prime range though. He can st.hp or slide and make it safe, standing there gives you nothing; you need to move in and close the gap. You’re playing the match like the Vega player instead of Ken, but you simply cannot beat Vega in neutral. You need to close the gap and pressure Vega. Remember Vega has no reversal and his only escapes are V-Reversal, V-Trigger and super. Get in his ass.

important for you Vega’s roll is unsafe, you’re letting Vega get away with murder here. Fierce SRK it when he lands it on block. People still haven’t figured out that Vega is -6 at best on block after doing roll, only EX roll is safe being -2. Every time Vega does roll as long as it isn’t EX which is -2(so after he does EX you still want to press a button, probably into confirm), reversal with fierce shoryuken.

Vega’s walldive SUCKS against Ken, literally just MP DP it every time he does it to you. seriously, this fucks up scrub Vega’s minds so badly because most people will eat them for free online, same with Bison headstomps. USE YOUR MP DP ANTI AIRS!

Gonna say it again, I hate the range you’re taking vs. Vega. This is the wrong match-up to be sitting half screen away, you’re playing right into the Vega’s plan without him even doing anything.

Okay now the Vega is just press over and over again and you didn’t whiff punish any of them. He’s giving you free everything in the neutral(which is RARE for Vega) but you aren’t taking it. Train whiff punishing in training mode to prepare your mind for it in a real match, you can’t be letting somebody press a whiffed button over 5 times in your face without a whiff punish.

The 3rd round of your match vs. Vega was just…uh. Both sides were just “doing stuff”, I can’t comment on it, the Vega player was jumping around impatiently and being a fucknugget. You seemed to completely crack mentally and just go full crazy mode here, it worked though so hey whatever it’s all water under the bridge.

You need to learn the Vega match-up, really badly. That Vega shouldn’t have taken a round, not even one half of your life.

THAT confirm by Nash with his TC that he blocked, but then go hit by the EX DP was actually an input error. Even still, I need to stop using fireballs like that because I’m either using up all of my resources ie meter or will be punished for a normal fireball on hit & block. Me, myself need to develop a better neutral. I usually AA most opponents (if you go through some more of the video), but against Nash, Vega, & Bison, I don’t feel comfortable doing it out of fear of getting hit. I knew that Vega’s roll was unsafe, but never got around to actually learning how to deal with. In general, I still have to go back through the cast and learn muscle memory because every time I learn something in the lab, in an actual match, it doesn’t show up. I’m working on it though.

Thanks for your critique.

I don’t agree with the f.HK bit, I think it’s a fine way to close distance if you use it in tandem with dashing, feinting, and throwing fireballs. Obviously not ABUSABLE, but I don’t think it’s bad to throw it out from time to time without a meaty setup.

For some reason, I thought LK roll was -2 as well. I’ve had situations where I tried to punish it with a DP and they were able to block. Maybe I just mistimed my punish then.

There are instances where a decent Vega player will instead try to land safely away from you, knowing they would be punished if they committed to the attack. If you can read this, you can jump forward and catch them with a decent jump-in combo because of the longer recovery on whiff. Of course, you need to read this.

All around, solid advice.

Feinting it as a way to move yourself forward is fine, I’m saying committing to it is a bad idea. You’re -4 on block, you lose all pressure you had and potentially get punished. The Nash could have comfortably st.lp > scythe’d him every time it was blocked. The feint is decent, not amazing but decent. Still kinda on the slow side.

Yeah people haven’t checked that change from the betas, it’s kinda like a hidden buff atm just because people aren’t aware Vega got changed. Definitely snuck under the radar for most people.

Oh yeah for sure some Vega players do that, but most braindead/meh Vega’s won’t be committing to that until the 5th time you DP them in the face for it. And even then, you practically force them into the corner when they start to feint you out.

I always feel like I come across as a dick when I critique gameplay, I’M A NICE GUY @J.D.E. I PROMISE! :bee:

Would someone be nice enough to check out some of my replays (Fighter ID is Valon129), the ones in casual mode since I don’t play ranked until the ragequit fix. Or you rather have a video?

Anyways if you do watch some, I really suck. I understand a lot of the theory at least I think so but I can’t apply anything basically. The worst is really that I feel like I’ve kinda hit some kind of celling or something because I am pretty much at this kind of level since a few months now and I don’t see much improvement if any.

I jump a lot because I don’t understand how to get in, I don’t really understand how to do pressure (I feel like I always get jabbed or invincible reversal). Some people understand this in a game and they just stand there and wait for me, I just loose to this which is sad.

A game from tonight against a silver Nash, every feedback would be really appreciated:

From what I can see by myself :

  • Abysmal AA.
  • Too much jumping
  • Failed some punish especially a huge one round two
  • Execution fails.

Just need a little help with the Mika Match, this isn’t my best play, but we were doing sets and this is what I was playing like after 20 rounds or so. Definitely felt nervous and not in control. So generally, are you guys rushing dow Mika or chucking FB looking for mistakes? I mean seems like she can change momentum so quickly.

You have to respect her v-trigger (she can bait you to attack her and you end up getting hit), and out footsie her. And definitely rush her down off the KD, all she has is EX clothesline and v-reversal. You can zone her effectively aswell. Her f+HP is +3 so definitely don’t press buttons against her, she’s at advantage at a fully charged dropped kick so from there it’s a guess between throw tech, normal, command grab. You should try reacting to Mika charging up the roundhouse or v-reversal’ing it. Never want to find yourself against a Mika with frame advantage. Basically from your gameplay just know when and when not to press buttons. I think you ate a lot of damage just trying to stick a normal out when you didn’t have advantage. Cause you definitely could’ve out footsied her. Just took too many stray hits that weren’t necessary.