something random i found 2 days ago, shoto far s.strong and far s.forward beats cammy far s.roundhouse.
N & K
C gives you the lvl 2 cancel with silly damage and mix up potential. This is most likely your groove of choice if you’re a beginner ken player. A-groove is second only if you can do his AA CC, it’s free damage if someone jumps. N and K are tied, mostly because of meter issues.
Im kinda new to using ken, so this maybe a newbish question, but here goes nothing. How do you do the roll canceled funky kick (as you have called it.) I see it used all the time, and i can do the other two (rc the hcf+mk and hcf+hk) but what is the secret to doing it with short? I’m guessing its doing the roll at about down or down forward, then finish it off with negative input. Is it that simple and i just need more practice, or do you know something I’m missing?
Ok, at least i was thinking right. But can you show the part where you normally put in the positive input, then the negative edge. I’m guessing away->between away and down -> down + Lp+lk (roll and positive input) -> between down and forward - > forward release of lp+lk (negative input).
Try both, see which one works better for you.
If you get a Hadoken, you’re probably releasing LP & LK at the same time, or you’re releasing LP before LK.
If you get a plain roll, you’re probably performing the inputs too slow.
I did it a couple times, so all i need is practice. And, even if i release both lp+lk, i dont do a rc’ed hadoken. But thank you all for your help. (I’m just going to stick with rock, sakura, and bison from now on :P)
crossup lj.MK xx dp + LP x 2 xx dp + LP superjump crossup MK, close s.HP xx dp + HP
RC Short version of Funky Kick
(I suck and don’t have the time to practice that, its like 50% for me so I stick with MK version)
I’m having a hard time hit confirming Ken’s c. mk into Shippu. The only way I’ve done it is to buffer the first qcb, then do another qcb + k, but the super comes out maybe 1 out of every 20 attempts…
Most of the time, I just end up getting c. mk into hurricane kick.
Heh, I really need to get better at buffering in general…
Haha, I figured out how to hit confirm the c. mk into Shippu. It does involve the buffering method I mentioned, but the input just has to be hella quick and precise.
Though, the method you gave me also worked, but that’s just a matter of my stick spinning skills, which is somethin I’m still workin on.