Ken renda cancel video tutorial

I have been following the progress of the website for a while now. They are building up a very complete SSF2T guide and this time they seem to have discovered a new way of doing Ken’s renda cancel by buffering the super while you combo de kicks.

The rapid chain cancel is also explained and recorded on video. But what i really like is that new tricks are still being discovered for this awesome game. And this triple buffer tecnique really brings something new to work with, that could lead to more discoveries.

This is the link to the tutorial
Ken’s Renda Cancel and Triple Buffer techniques

I already tried the triple buffer in ST and it does work. I have yet to try it out on HDR.

I believe the original method, or at least one of them, is to kara-cancel a standing short into super. It goes as follows:

:d:+:lk:,:d:+:lk:,:qcf::qcf:+:lk:, (right after standing short) :p:

I agree that few people use it, but few people main Ken. And there is the online: one of the main advantages of the combo is to hit right away and hold the enemy in hit stun for the combo. Say, he is recovering from a move and there was not enough time for the full motion. But the main advantage is hit-confirming, which is not something usual for this game (hopefully), but latency makes it much harder. It would be a good idea to mention in the website that the alternate method has this disadvantage. It does not detract from the method: knowing the weaknesses of the actions and strategies is as important as knowing their strengths.

Well, actually you dont need to input that last forward to do his super. But it seems that for the triple buffer you do need to input that last forward. In both cases you need to cancel de third lk, but in the old renda you only have to do down/forward as your last directional input.

Both techniques are good but the triple buffer has the advantage of not having to be performed so fast, and the original renda has the advantage of finishing at down/forward. As far as hit confirming, you can also do this with the triple buffer, because if you start the buffers and you see the opponent guards against it, you simply stop buffering and do a knee bash. Plus, i was practicing the move and you can use the buffers to do a fireball in case you dont land the c.shorts.

In the end it gives people more than one option to do the renda and that is a great find.

In fact you do: that is what allows the super to execute before the full recovery of the shorts. It is not possible to do a double short into super without pressing short at least 3 times.

I mean the last forward in the stick, not the lk button. I know you do need to cancel the third lk for the super to come out. And this applies for both the old way and the new one.

I sent an email to the guys at f101 and they already added the hit confirm instructions. As i expected, they do it as i do it. You just stop buffering after the second buffer and press forward(mk) for the kneebash.

Alright. Anyway, just correcting my previous post: it is not possible to do a double crouching short into super without pressing short at least 3 times. It could be done with standing short as the first attack and then buffering or ordinary cancel*.

*the latter is prohibitively difficult, I suppose the only feasible way is by using a programmable controller.