Who are the true Ken greats? The absolute best Kens, in footage I’ve seen, have been Deshiken and Daigo. I’m SURE there are other notable Kens out there. Feel free to give youtube or downloadable links to footage of said Ken.
Spellmaster J
paulee, fubarduck, mike watson, edma :lovin:
Deshiken and the old Daigo.
SpellmasterJ most definitely.
5 Star
Ed Ma
Ricky Ortiz
Mike Watson
Alex Valle
That Blue Ken that’s always in the SBO finals that won this year (for some reason I don’t know his name): http://www.tougeki.com/
He’s the guy in the middle when you scroll down and find the third strike winners.
The Daigo & Alex Valle thing is stupid. It’s obvious that they were both rusty (and probably still are), but they’re both still very good and solid Ken players.
spellmaster j
ricky ortiz
5 star
alex valle
[not in any order]
Chinta is a good one to add.
me, aka king_ken
Spellmaster J easily. That guy connects far standing mp link to shippu like there was a button for it.
in order…
5 star
everyone else.
best jap ken is probably deshi or spermaster
best ameriken is either mine, ricky ortiz or if nobody has seen it john choi ken, that shit is so fucking nuts, john choi dosn’t even like 3s
oh yeah, i forgot, old hsien
For Ken players, I’d say… In no particular order…
He just has the juice. He dances around the screen like he has absolutely no fear, and he’s just got the ume. I’d say he has the best footsies of any Ken I’ve ever seen. Corner shippu taunt is also top tier.
He’s also got a pretty slick reputation as far as EVO and SBO goes.
Extremely aggressive. Looks like you can’t really get him off of you when he gets on a roll. Also seems to connect s.MP shippu link every time. s.HK after a round is also top tier.
As far as tourneys go… I mean… He was point man on his team during Co-Op 4, and he pretty much wrecked entire teams by himself, rarely having to pass the torch onto Hayao and Boss.
Spellmaster J:
I’d say the most balanced Ken player. Don’t really see a lot of flashy things coming out of him like with Deshiken redparrying c.LK xx supers on an opposing Ken and punishing it, but he just seems really solid overall with everything.
He’s got quite a reputable tourney presence in Japan, with his performances in several SBOs and Co-Ops, but not as ‘entertaining’ to watch as Daigo or Deshiken, since I can’t find anything that he does that really stands out.
There’s a lot of good Ken players we usually don’t even see, there are some that make it to SBO, others don’t. Some players not mentioned above:
Hitotsume, nearly defeated deshiken in coop cup 4, he however has been defeated during SBO 2006 by C-13’s makoto and during KSK ranbat by…
Nacchan, decent Ken player.
Matsuken, he’s pretty much a tactical mastermind like Umehara, I think he could get better, so he’s one to watch.
Keeper, OCV’ed american team, and defeated Spellmaster J’s Ken during SBO 2006
Hirai is fucking swell; but I never see him.
Daigo vs justin was a pretty goood one (evo 2k4)
Ed Ma Vs Alex Valle was also a great. (Evo 2006)
Keepa…I don’t know exactly how to spell it, but he plays blue ken in japan.
I like C-Royd too.