I play mainly N-Ken, some combos I use:
-c.LP, close s.HK x hcf+LK
damage: 2800
stun: 28
I’m still debating with myself whether or not I should be using this combo instead of the regular Funky Kick combo (#1 on The V’s post).
It does 500 more damage than the regular Funky Kick combo, and if it’s blocked it eats a big chunk of guard meter. However, it pushes Ken farther away from the opponent than the regular combo. Also, I had issues with the Funky Kick randomly whiffing against Cammy and a few other smaller characters, especially in the corner.
Options if the c.LP, close HK gets blocked:
One good thing thing about this combo is the +4 advantage of the close s.HK; in theory you could do c.LP, close s.HK and then walk up a bit and do CH c.LK/MK. If they’re afraid of getting hit by the low attack and keep blocking you could walk up further and throw them. In theory it works, but since I don’t have anybody good to play against in the town I live, I’m not really sure how well that really works against a good opponent.
Other options:
-c.LP, close s.HK, qcb+LK
Against regular & small characters your options after this would be c.LK/s.LK x hcf+LK. Against bigger characters it’s possible to follow this with c.LK(2x) xx Super or c.LK > s.LK x hcf+LK.
-c.LP, close s.HK, qcb+LP
After this you can follow it with c.LK(2x) xx Super or c.LK > s.LK x hcf+LK against any character.
In both cases, after the special move you can walk up a step and throw your opponent or walk up and start the combo again (which will drain their guard meter if they just keep blocking). Also, you can mix it up with low jumps or do a LP Shoryuken after the qcb+LP/LK (Combofiend style, yay!).
-c.LK(3x) xx lvl 3 Shoryureppa
damage: 6680 (N), 7375 (K)
stun: 9
-c.LK(3x) xx lvl 3 Kick Super
damage: 6780 (N), 7485 (K)
stun: 9
Your basic hitconfirm combos. The difference in damage between the Shoryureppa version and the Kick Super version is 100 damage points in N and 110 damage points in K, so I often find myself using the Shoryureppa version for the sake of consistency. I can pull off the Kick Super version at will on a good day but on a regular day I’d rather use the Shoryureppa version to avoid messing up.
-c.MK xx lvl 3 Kick Super
damage: 6280 (N), 6835 (K)
stun: 9
The damage listed is what you get if the c.MK hits from maximum distance, you can get more damage the closer you are to the opponent. Shoryureppa doesn’t combo off maximum distance c.MK, even at lvl 3 so Kick Super is the super to use in this situation. This combo is especially useful in N & K due to the fact that those grooves have run.
-c.HP xx lvl 3 Shoryureppa
damage: 6920 (N), 7645 (K)
stun: 11
-c.HP xx lvl 3 Kick Super
damage: 7620 (N), 8415 (K)
stun: 11
-c.LP, c.HP xx lvl 3 Shoryureppa
damage: 7160 (N), 7915 (K)
stun: 13
-c.LP, c.HP xx lvl 3 Kick Super
damage: 7260 (N), 8025 (K)
stun: 13
Combos for punishment situations. I was surprised when I saw the difference in damage in the different variants of the combo. I’m guessing the combos with the links push Ken farther away from the opponent and cause the first couple of hits of either super to miss, thus the reduction in damage.
-close s.HK x dp+LP, lvl 3 Shinryuken (corner only)
damage: 8800 (N), 9690 (K)
stun: 30
This is my favorite Ken combo. Massive damage and stun, especially in K.
I’ve seen Combofiend doing a combo like this but without the initial close s.HK. The situation in which this combo comes in handy is if you guard crush a cornered opponent. Any of Ken’s guard crushing moves give you enough time to run up to the opponent and start the combo. Timing is pretty tight but it’s doable in real matches and it seems to work on everybody (I can do it even against small characters but for some reason it seems easier to do against bigger characters, at least for me). Doing the combo without the initial close s.HK seems easier in terms of timing but if you add the s.HK in the beginning it adds a significant amount of damage and stun to the combo. The Shinryuken gets the opponent out of the corner and sets up cross-up opportunities afterwards.