Ken Beginners Thread

You probably know this already but just in case and for other people : the quarter circle that you do for the srk is counted for the CA so you just have one more to do which makes it way faster to do.

^^ This was a big one for me. Learning that helped with all sorts of special xx super type combos.

Iā€™ve been thinking and messing around with Ken the last few days. Watched some footage, done some reading, and all that jazz. Seems there is a divide in how to play Ken. Iā€™ve seen good evidence to play him rush down and a counter attack zoner. Tis it possible that Ken can play at both these ranges to have maximum effectiveness? Be a dick from far away then work your way in and keep being a dick. Seems to fit Kenā€™s style imo. I know the fireball has a lot more recovery now so throwing a lot of those isnā€™t great, but using them to lock down along with the H tatsu seems to work quite well. Now youā€™re in and have run to keep pressure on and what not. iono, just throwing things out there as I have no clue how to play this dude and am still looking for a main in V.

Yes I think two of his biggest strengh are AA and speed on the ground.

This is usually what I try to do, be a dick from far away playing it kinda lame and find an opening to get in their face then go ham with pressure.

Iā€™m sorry to be so negative here but Ken simply isnā€™t Ken, to me, any more. Iā€™ve had some success playing a defensive, reactive game but itā€™s just plain dull. I donā€™t care if itā€™s workable, itā€™s plain dull.

My normal pressure game is just dead because unless I spam c.Mp, I get beaten out by almost everything. People saying back.Mp can be used to catch random normals are clearly far far better than me because I just get frame trapped or beaten out. Iā€™m really really disappointed with what theyā€™ve done to the character. If I play a mixup game, everything I throw out there is getting fucked. I can put players on the back foot but thereā€™s no way I can put pressure on them with any normal moves. I donā€™t have the tools. Tick throw, big deal, every character has that available. Yeah, there are many combos off FP and TC1 but thereā€™s little chance of getting that close to connect them.

Iā€™m ready to uninstall and write off the fifty notes at this point.

Yup, gone back to USF4, and itā€™s a joy. Iā€™m really really disappointed. To make him work in V itā€™s a total square peg scenario. I havenā€™t even been getting shat on, Iā€™ve just realised that every victory is a joyless grind.

WhatĀ“s your go-to hitconfirm from a jump in?
When you start with jfHk or Hp, the link, doesnĀ“t connect. Do you have to go for the ā€œst.HP x v-skillā€, ā€œlight light xx srkā€ ou is there anything else?


Most cross ups i go just b. Mp ƗƗ hp ƗƗ h. Tatsu. If itā€™s a deep jump in with heavy, i do a cr. Mp in front on that combo.

Cr. Mk i do m tatsu

Light confirms are either l tatsu or h shoryu. Depends on if i need the corner carry or not (or to get out of the corner)

You have all these options to mix it up incase the jump in is blocked. If itā€™s not, do the first one

My go-to hitconfirm is st.lp, TC1 first hit

st.lp is +2 on block, so turns into a two-frame frame trap on block.

you can also mix it up with throw after st.lpā€¦ and once they grow aware of that itā€™s time for the shimmy, st.lp half step back st.hp

if i get a jump in depends on meter

meterless: TC1 HK tatsu
v-trigger: hk vtrigger hp vskill light tatsu srk
CA: hp vskill light tatsu super
both vtrig and CA: TC1 vskill kick vtrigger super

Hey guys, trying to help a friend get a better grasp of this game. Heā€™s a pretty good third strike Ken but those skills arenā€™t translating to this game very well. Iā€™m by no means a great player but Iā€™m easily winning 95% or more of our matches. Iā€™ll upload two videos and hope you guys can give us some feedback.

My opinion is that he is in the air way too much and completely neglects footsie/neutral. I can jump in on him all day because he never anti airs. Too much reliance on unsafe specials like full screen tatsu and wakeup shoryuken while never using meaty on my wakeup. Thoughts? Thanks a lot!

Yes what he is basically doing is putting himself in the corner then he is like ā€œoh shitā€ and he tatsus out of it. Tell him to watch momochi videos on youtube or twitch and try to copy the way he plays. Maybe he doesnā€™t really know what is strong with this Ken so he kinda does random stuff.

Whatup all, new to the fgc played SF and MK BACK in the day but nothing seriously. Picked up SFV day before launch. Started playing Cammy but found Ken to be more friendly to play with in relation to my style of play. This threadā€™s been extremely helpful in getting my started with Ken. Thanks to all whoā€™ve contributed. Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to contribute soon myself.

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So I am really trying to improve my game in Street Fighter and I needed some tips with Ken.

  1. What are Kenā€™s good tools for keeping pressure on after a knock-down?

  2. What kind of good footsy tools are good for Ken in this game, I mean besides hitting croutching MK or crouching MP lots.

  1. After knockdown you need to train your meaty timings. You can meaty with anything you want but most common are, st.lp,, and a little bit st.hp. And of course the overheads + throws.

So basically you either throw/overhead or react to what one of these buttons does, like on hit (most of the time counter hit) confirm combo and on block frame traps or throws.

Thatā€™s basically it in a nutshell.

  1. is pretty trash even tho it has his uses. I would not spam it too much. Iā€™d say the best tools are, and is also ok but you donā€™t get as much from it I feel. because itā€™s the move where Ken can do everything from. because it hits quite far and then target combo into shoryuken. because it hits really far, beats some low move, can crush counter, and can be vtrigger cancel on regular hit.

When I say far I mean relative to Ken overall range which is pretty bad.

If u donā€™t have this in your arsenal, Use standing light kicks buffered into tatsu at max distance against lows or to catch people mindlessly dashing in. Max distance depends how long your opponents limbs reach. Canā€™t be too far either or else tatsu will whiff. Itā€™s fast and u will usually recover in time to anti air if they randomly jump.

Always try to hit step kick at its tip after a spaced fireball around mid-long range to the point where a fireball and the step kick becomes a blockstring. I always try to utilize step kick even on block when Iā€™m given the chance because it builds v gauge(if u can make step kick hit, it builds half a bar of v gauge). Once, ur opponent catches on and neutral jumps, this is ur chance to use ex tatsu to anti air or run stop srk,, cr.hp. REMEMBER step kick is punishible so always try to make it hit at the tip to make it somewhat safe.

Try to establish a ground game with your opponent so you are able to utilize Feints,overheads and thunder kicks mixed into your footsies when your opponent gets scared to press buttons, those overheads can sometimes be used to slightly go over lows and whiff punish as well. I feel this is what makes Ken the more stylish shoto and this is the only way u can use Ken to his full potential, u must try to never let ur opponent get a free jump in so they stay grounded.

Remember Ken is a shoto too, so use the classic shoto strategy, fireball fireball fireball at the correct range to bait opponent to jump so u can dp em out of the air.Also dont forget to utilize fireballs as a long range poke during footsies as well, Itā€™s risky, but adds more to the mind games when u start to use fireballs around sweep range.

Donā€™t be afraid to spam at times during footsies once u have super, thatā€™s only if u can get the hang of hit confirming into super, itā€™s actually pretty deadly. God knows what will happen if someone masters this, because itll definitely make your opponent be afraid to press buttons.

Kens v trigger can be used to make your normals be some of the best whiff punishing tools in the game because how it moves you forward to follow up into a combo. So donā€™t just use st.HK, and works as well. I feel this is why kens normals are so stubby, itā€™s because how u can simply get over 300 damage from a fairly fast hitting move such as a once u have v-trigger stocked, and on top of that, u get a corner carry and it knocks your opponent right down next to you.

All in all, get good at establishing a ground game, learn your opponents range on each of their most popular moves and work your way to become good at whiff punishing, remember, whiff punishing is not all reactions. No matter how many times it gets ur ass kicked for trying to get good at whiff punishing, at least your building a foundation for yourself, so learn how to play against your opponent first before you rush in, if all u do is rush in, itā€™ll hurt u in the long run, have u seen those kens lose so easily to Justin Wong recently in tournaments? Learn the basics first, donā€™t stay rushing down just because u see pros do it, they only can because they have fundamentals to back them up for when they lose health for rushing down. Always expect and wait for jump ins so u can be more than ready to anti air, u cannot play footsies with people who always jump, so your better off revolving your game plan around anti airing until they learn to stop jumping.

I finally made it to Gold, but I feel like I shouldnā€™t be there lol. I get bodied when I fight characters I rarely fight (birdie, Laura, Rashid). Feel like a fraud haha. Also beating up on silvers and ultra bronzes.

So I am tired of sucking at this game. Is there a super gold + from EU whiling to kick my ass a bunch of times to help me get better?

Whatā€™s kens crush counter? What are his target combos? (launch)
st.hp (spin)
cr.hp (launch/ rarely used)
So basically all versions of grounded heavy normals with the exception of command normals. (most common) (situational/ more range)

Whatā€™s more useful the spin CC or the launch one? Also after any of those can I vskill dash into